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Indybay Feature

SCAR MEDIA COLLECTIVE >>> No Borders Camp Trailer

by SCAR Media
5 min. trailer of No Borders Camp 2007.
No Borders Camp 2007 video arriving early 2008.
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by mark
can't wait for more!
thanks for your work on this
by ali
i am also excited to see the final project, but am a bit weary after seeing the trailer. those of us who were there at the NBC will remember that there were serious questions raised about the disparity between the two sides of the camp and even though the trailer highlights a "unification", this was far from true. I hope that the video makers will include some of the criticisms that were present during the camp in the hope of making the next camp a better and more powerful one. I hope that the documentary will include footage and interviews and reflections from the MX side of the camp and from the cross border meeting where a lot of these ideas were expressed.

thanks for putting the work into producing this video
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