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Indybay Feature

Police attack ethnic Indian protestors in Malaysia

by wsws (reposted)
Monday, December 3, 2007 :On November 25, the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur was again the scene of a violent clash between riot police and protestors—this time involving thousands of ethnic Indians demanding compensation for decades of discrimination. The demonstration came just two weeks after an even larger rally of opposition groups on November 10 demanding electoral reform before national elections mooted for next year.
The latest demonstration involved at least 10,000 people, although some reports put the figure as high as 20,000. Ethnic Indians, mainly Tamils, make up about 8 percent of the country’s 27 million population. Most are descended from Indian indentured labourers brought to Malaysia to work in rubber plantations in the nineteenth century under British colonial rule.

The march was organised by the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf), an alliance of 30 non-government Hindu organisations, in whose leadership lawyers are prominent. The right-wing communal orientation of the organisation is evident from its name and its appeal to Hindu Indians on the basis of ethnicity and religion.

The purpose of the demonstration was to present a petition to the British High Commission to support a lawsuit, filed in London on August 30, seeking $US4 trillion in damages for the country’s ethnic Indians. The suit seeks compensation for exploitation suffered under British rule and subsequent racial discrimination as a result of the constitution imposed by British at the time of independence in 1957.

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