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Battle of the Board at KPFA

by Daniel Borgström & Steve Gilmartin
Two letters on the election for the Local Station Board at KPFA

Daniel Borgström

I used to imagine that KPFA somehow ran itself, and that it was a place where people worked together for common goals, made decisions collectively and got along pretty well. Then, about two years ago, I started attending KPFA's monthly board meetings. The situation, as I see it today, is like this:

The station is run by a group of people who operate autonomously. They do not respond to listeners, or even to volunteer workers at the station. In August the station announced that it will no longer recognize UPSO (UnPaid Staff Organization). I find it maddeningly painful to see a progressive institution adopt policies that resemble those of a union-busting corporation.

The de-recognition of UPSO is only one example of their exclusion of others from participation. Their decision-making and management style is top-down and cloaked in secrecy.

It was to prevent excesses such as the above that KPFA has a board of directors which is elected by listeners and staff. The board's job is oversight. This has brought the board into conflict with people who don't want anyone looking to see how the listeners' money is spent. In 2004 and '05 there was a successful year-long fight for transparency, led by members of the People's Radio slate. (And for that I must say I do like People's Radio.)

Today, even the candidates on Sherry Gendelman's slate pay lip service to transparency and accountability. In a leaflet they say: "We've strengthened the LSB's financial oversight, bringing an unprecedented level of transparency to KPFA's budgeting process" But in reality, members and allies of Sherry's slate generally opposed transparency, some fought tooth and nail against it, which is why it took over a year to achieve.

The station has had a series of General Managers, but the real power always seemed to lie elsewhere. A clue to the identities of the power holders came out in the fall of 2005, when an intriguing email came to light. It was addressed to eight KPFA people, including one who has since become the Interim General Manager.

"[W]e need a general strategy session," the email read in part. "[H]ow do we make our enemies own the problems that are to come? Alternatively, should we be recalling LSB members/dismantling the LSB?"

At first I was inclined to think that "dismantlement" wasn't intended to be taken literally. The author of that email impresses me as a capable person who's done some good work at KPFA. Nevertheless, what I've seen in the last two years convinces me that he and the others are not being open with us, and that they are indeed working to neutralize the board.

Although the email was posted on websites, most KPFA listeners probably never knew of its existence till the current election when People's Radio candidates wrote a collective statement for the voter pamphlet which included that email and a detailed analysis of it. That statement drew blood. Both KPFA/Pacifica as well as Sherry Gendelman and others on her slate responded with howls of pain, characterizing their opposition as nasty, hateful and unfair.

I think the People's Radio statement was fair and appropriate. They said something that needed to be said. That's how democracy works.


Steve Gilmartin

Reading Matthew Hallinan's "The KPFA Flap" (Oct. 30), I find the People's Radio slate characterized as "nasty characters," "attack dogs," and "true-believer bullies," capped by "they...substitute paranoid and baseless attacks on others to avoid spelling out what they really want...." Rather than engaging in exactly what he accuses the People's Radio slate of, Hallinan would have done well to educate himself about the station on whose board he wishes to sit.

"There is no danger of management turning the clock back to 1999," he writes. "The power of the Local Station Board is now written into the bylaws of the Foundation." But a central point of the People's Radio fact-based candidate statement is that virtually all of the station's current governance problems stem from intransigence regarding the bylaws by those holding power within the station. Contrary to statements made by some Concerned Listener candidates, the Local Station Board reaffirmed the Program Council's decision-making powers back in May 2004. When the Program Council decided to move Democracy Now! forward one hour (basically so that working people could listen to it during morning drive time), what was the overall reaction inside the station? Well, they didn't agree to try it out on a probationary basis subject to evaluation. And they didn't call for open discussion of the issue, in which the different viewpoints could be aired with the goal of reaching consensus or compromise. No, instead key staff simply refused to implement the decision. This signaled the beginning of post-hijacking actions by power brokers within the station to block and subvert any attempt to implement or create truly democratic process within KPFA, obstructions that continue to this day (witness the station's current string of election violations).

Like many current KPFA administrators and long-time insiders, Sherry Gendelman appears to know that it's not politically feasible to admit to anti-democratic bias when it comes to station governance. KPFA management's dirty little secret--not so secret now thanks to People's Radio--is that they adamantly oppose democracy and transparency from taking hold within the station. That so many Concerned Listener candidates seem willfully oblivious to post-takeover station politics comports with an LSB intended to function as a rubber stamp to an increasingly secretive station administration, where top-down decision-making is the order of the day and power is unhealthily concentrated among a very few.

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The management at KPFA understands what these two and Peoples Radio do not.

KPFA is a resource for the entire community, not just those self-elected political elite intelligentsia who know what's best for everyone to be political about.

KPFA is about free speech for all, not whoever can bully their way on the air nor those who would bully off those that they disagree with.

The Peoples Radio clone/drones have no tolerance for dissent as has been proven by their actions and reactions. Any intelligent person would not consider Peoples Radio as being compatible in any manner with the purposes and mission of Pacifica and KPFA, let alone as genuine supporters of the station, staff and management.
by Daniel

"Not that these people know anything except what they are told"

Interesting point. So what have I been told? Or rather, what have I heard? Quite a bit, actually, during the last 2 years of attending board meetings and listening to what's said by board members, IGM, IPD, and numerous other KPFA people (including listeners, staff, management). Add to that dozens of articles, Matthew Lasar's 2006 book (a CL supporter by the way), and one very intriguing email from 2005.

Thanks for bringing that up

by Aaron Fan
AARON AARONS probably already has enough votes to win, but please write him in anyway, just in case. Any votes Aaron doesn't need will transfer to Jim Weber, if he's still in the race, then to Mara Rivera. Aaron Fan heartily endorses Mara. 'Nuf said, here's how to vote.
by Old Lib
Back in 1999, we marched to save KPFA from a board and officers who were openly hostile towards staff and management, claiming that what KPFA produced was irrelevant to the 'realpolitik' that those same officers held as true.

Now in 2007, we have a board and officers who are openly hostile towards staff and management, claiming that what KPFA produced was irrelevant to the 'realpolitik' that these same officers hold as true.

In 1999, these actions were taken by a mostly white elderly cadre. In 2007, these actions are being taken by a mostly white elderly cadre.

In 1999, the officers claimed to be supporting democratic principles while silencing dissent.

In 2007, the officers claim to be supporting democratic principles while silencing dissent.

And Borgstrom pretends to be informed and capable of making a rational choice and recommendation.
by Early Middle aged Cadre
'' Old Lib'' goes on about 'elderly white cadre''etc. But what's your age range and ethnic/racial grouping ''Old lib'' ?
Also why does it matter ? Are you implying that African-American listeners(for example ) are supporters of the status quo at Pacifica ? Many sure aren't . Some of the most pointed criticisms i've heard of the programming (especially of the news and the Morning show ) have came from Black listeners. I should also add it's not racially exclusive . Some of the same people have made scrathing crituques of Andrea Lewis , for example .
But what i really want to know is what '' Old Lib '' stands for ? Old anti-Communist , anti- Socialist liberal or Old anti-Communist, anti-Socialist Libertarian ?
by Old Lib
At the candidate forum, and at the LSB meetings, the vast majority of Peoples Radio supporters are older white folk.

Most seem to be fighting that last protest before they go gentle into the night, hoping to retain relevance, like Richard Phelps does.

Few, if any, are concerned about KPFA other than making it into a mouthpiece solely for their own political agenda; no other voices or ideas need apply, listening to them espouse what they intend to do with the station and staff.

Most of the Peoples Radio and clone/drones want to make KPFA into "All 9/11, All The Time" without gripping the reality that BushCo can pardon anyone, anytime, and end any form of action against them, no matter how much they "inform" the public.

Rather than work the Congress to cut off funding to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and prevent funding for the coming war with Iran, they pound the airwaves, demanding time to "expose" the conspiracy that everyone already knows exists.

If David Heller and the rest of Peoples Radio are that "forward thinking", we really don't need them running KPFA, let alone getting their hands on Pacifica.

The tide is turning for the progressive causes; we don't need political regressives like Peoples Radio holding KPFA back another ten years.

We've lost all this time and energy fighting for control of the station, from the old Pacifica Board to the Peoples Radio autocracy, we've forgotten that the purpose of KPFA is to inform, educate and discuss the issues of the day, and not just the issues Peoples Radio censors and approves of.

The bylaws apparently say that no one running for goverment office can run for a Pacifica board seat, but most of the Peoples Radio candidates sound little different than when the Republicans followed Karl Rove's "attack and smear" tactics to go after all of their opponents.

Rove: "They are anti-American, pro-taxation, coddlers of the enemy (Iraq, Iran, Korea, Libya, terrorists, anyone who disagrees with Neoconservatism, etc.)"
Peoples Radio: "They are anti-Democracy, pro-fundraising, coddlers of the enemy (staff, management, anyone who disagrees with Peoples Radio, etc.)"

Is this what we fought for to save KPFA and Pacifica? To turn it over to those who are demonstrating little difference than the old Pacifica Board and acolytes of Karl Rove?

Maybe it is true and KPFA is no longer relevant because it has become so uncompromisingly sectarian as well as so overwhelmingly elderly and white.

If that's the case, the blame lies squarely at the feet of Peoples Radio for creating the entire "us versus them" theme of the past few elections and insuring those divisions are sustained within the community of KPFA.

by Anonymous
I'm always skeptical of any argument between leftists that conflates "Rovian", "sectarian" and "like the old board". That's absurd,
Old Lib. And if you're babbling in that many directions at once, than its pretty clear that you're rattled. Let's face it, it's pretty clear that the management and certain staff have been ignoring the foundation bylaws for years, ignoring the elected board for years, and are now trying to pack it full of people who apparently believe this Rovian, sectarian stuff. KPFA isn't relevant because alot of its programming is monotonous. You can only listen to the same show for ten years or so and than IT isn't relevant anymore. And its your staff stalwarts and their concerned listener cronies who have had the power to do something with the programming to make it relevant and YOU HAVEN"T.
by Richard Phelps

OLD Lib: Peoples Radio: "They are anti-Democracy, pro-fundraising, coddlers of the enemy (staff, management, anyone who disagrees with Peoples Radio, etc.)"
RP: We have never said anything like that. We are glad to have open, transparent and public discussion and debate over all issues regarding KPFA. Why are you afraid of such activity? Given what you seem to know and distort and your investment in these issues you must be one of the "dismantlers" or a close ally. You surely don't make up all your lies and false quotes out of civic duty since you care not for the truth. This explains why you have to hide.
by Old Lib
Obviously, Richard cannot handle any truth about his actions, and therefore must falsely claim that anything that contradicts him is a lie. For a person who would sue listeners for speaking out, this is not surprising; one can claim slander or libel, but without a court ruling, it's an action against free speech, no matter how Richard wishes to spin it.

"The right to anonymous political and literary speech is protected, and any government employee or law officer who seeks to unmask their anonymous critics without adherence to legal procedural safeguards and due process of law (i.e. signed warrants, criminal case, etc.), violates their First Amendment rights. The Electronics Communications Privacy Act gives citizens on the Internet privacy protections.

"The United States Supreme Court has held that the United States has a strong tradition of anonymous political speech. This tradition is famously embodied in the 'Federalist Papers', which were anonymously authored by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay. They signed their anonymous writings as 'Publius'. Their political opponents, the Anti-Federalists, also signed their writings anonymously. Ben Franklin also wrote anonymously. But before these, there was the well-known anonymous political pre-Revolutionary War English pamphleteer known only as 'Junius', whose identity is still unknown."

{quoted from an anonymous source, of course} As a "public figure", Richard is very aware of this historical aspect, but dissembles to an accusation of anonymity about the person rather than to deal with the facts and issues that he claims to hold as his highest standards.

It would appear that Richard actually seeks little more than a chance to sue another listener for daring to contradict him, and it is doubtful that there is any other reason.

As for open discussion, Richard neglects to inform about the 'private' forums of Peoples Radio, which exclude non-Peoples Radio candidates in violation of election rules.

As for accusations, Richard falsely ignores his attacks on Rosalinda Palacios, where Pacifica staff paid for her trip in error, and which she paid back in full when the error was discovered and determined.

It is highly disingenuous of Richard to now deny his claims that anyone who opposes him is anti-democratic, a 'dismantler', and his most recent tirades on how KPFA is forcing people to pay money for recorded events (which is even more the lie since one can go to the station and get a copy without having to pay). Richard conveniently fails to acknowledge that premiums are to get people who CAN donate to actually do it for the premium, not force people who CANNOT donate to give up food on the table.

The Rovian mindset works well for Richard and his Peoples Radio clone/drones. It doesn't work well for KPFA, and should not be re-elected or allowed to control the station.
by Old Lib
> I'm always skeptical of any argument between leftists that conflates "Rovian", "sectarian" and "like the old board".

If the shoe fits...

The management of KPFA can ignore the Station Board at its own peril. However, this is not a bad thing, since management isn't politically divided or 'posing as progressives' as the Board is. Cooler heads can prevail and stop a 'political' decision that makes no sense or, worse, can cause harm to the station's ability to function.

At the same time, programming must also be under management control in order to prevent the situation with the Labor Collective trying to take over the daily schedule, overwhelming any other political points of view than Steve Zeltzer and his sycophants wished to allow.

People are being misled by Peoples Radio and the clone/drones.

The Station Board sets policies, not rules or edicts. It governs, it does not manage. It is supposed to provide management with the tools to keep the station on the air, with funding, programming and public support, in consultation with the subscriber base as part of the Foundation, and in balance with the legal and regulatory mandates of the license granted by the FCC.

Peoples Radio and the clone/drones don't offer this in any way, shape or form.

Instead, they attack their opponents with smears and half-truths, following the Karl Rove playbook of historical record: Smear, attack, discredit and destroy without regard for truth.

If the shoe fits, and it does, then the label applies.

I'm not sure who Peoples Radio are agents for, but there is little difference between the actions of Mary Francis Berry and the old Pacifica Board, and Richard Phelps and his Peoples Radio clone/drones.

These are not the people who should be running KPFA, not if we wish to keep KPFA as a voice for the voiceless and an alternative to the mainstream media.

OLD LIB: As for open discussion, Richard neglects to inform about the 'private' forums of Peoples Radio, which exclude non-Peoples Radio candidates in violation of election rules.
RP: You see any facts to support this naked lie! There have been no such events. OLD LIB's trip is to tell enough lies to hopefully make some stick. This is why he hides. Not for any noble reasons. He is a liar and a coward who refuses to take responsibility for his lies.
OLD LIB: As for accusations, Richard falsely ignores his attacks on Rosalinda Palacios, where Pacifica staff paid for her trip in error, and which she paid back in full when the error was discovered and determined.
RP: There was never an attack. Just an inquiry at an LSB meeting and a motion. Pacifica staff didn't pay in error, Rosalinda asked for a "free" trip and was denied. She then asked again to the CFO and he says he allowed he to "book" her trip on Pacifica's account but had to repay. Rosalinda didn't pay anything back until I brought it up at an LSB meeting, even then it took her three weeks. The last financial statement I saw showed her still owing $72 and some change. La Varn Williams, in response to this misuse of funds coined the term "Pacifica National Bank" for PNB. We are not a loan agency.

You also leave out that Rosalinda NEVER gave an explanation to the LSB or the listeners for what she was doing, not one word. When this issue was on the agenda she missed 6-7 meetings in a row. Her prior attendence was very good? Without her present we couldn't deal with the issue. In the meetings since this issue has come up she has not EVER offered an explanation or an apology for the wrongful use of listener donations!!! She was supported in her dodging the issue by her CL teammates. Another example of their disrespect and failure to practice transparency and accountability. Below are two e-mails regarding this issue. The first is a response from Greg Guma, Executive Director at the time to my request, the second is my request.


It is true that I never authorized Rosalinda's travel. In fact, Rosalinda never asked me directly. She asked Donna Gates a couple of days before the Houston meeting, and Donna wrote to me asking guidance. I said that covering her travel wasn't appropriate. I also recall that Dave Adelson knew about this, and chimed in via e-mail that having national pay would not be appropriate, but that if the local station wanted to cover the cost it was the LSB's call. That's the way it was left prior to the meeting. I have no knowledge or any communication that may or may not have occured between Rosalinda and the CFO.

I have been told that Rosalinda had some conversation with our travel agent about this, but don't yet know what was said. In any case, our agent never called me to ask about it. After the meeting, I understand that Rosalinda followed up on this. But once again, I was never approached directly.

In short, there was no conversation between me and Rosalinda on this topic either before or after the PNB meeting, and I provided no approval.


-----Original Message-----
From: PhelpsMediation@
To: MavMedia@
Sent: Sun, 25 Feb 2007 1:13 PM
Subject: How are you

Greg, hope you are well. Since I didn't go to Houston I haven't seen you in a while. Thank you for the regular reports. La Varn told me that you told her that you did not authorize Rosalinda Palacios's air fare to Houston. I believe her and in this world of ours I would like that in writing. I can't imagine what Rosalinda was thinking?Would you please confirm that for me. Thank you.
RP: So as you can see OLD LIB is lying again. He/she should change his/her name to OLD LIAR and stop wasting everyone's time, with lie after lie. If any of you that read his stuff believe his naked accusations I have a beautiful bridge for sale.

You notice how none of his CL allies ever tell him/her to stop lying. I wonder why? Everything else in hi/her recent post is also wrong and I have other things to do in life than rebut all of them. If she/he wants to discuss these in public I can and will factually rebt them all. OLD LIB has shown NO respect for Pacifica and its Mission to get out the truth.

Richard Phelps

by Old Lib
It's easy to lie when you use half-truths as Richard Phelps does...but, as an tort lawyer, its in his nature as part of his job.

The Chief Financial Officer of the Pacifica Foundation approved the expenditure, and the money was paid back when it was found that the approval was not validated as properly approved.

Perhaps we should call Richard "Javert" seems to suit his actions to a T.

by CL Doing Damage Control
It is interesting the CL supporters on this list are now blaming the Pacifica Chief Financial Officer for not knowing that a former Pacifica Board Member is not entitled to have their airfare and hotel paid for by Pacifica unless it is approved by the board. Here is another example of the incompetence and/or malfeasance of the Pacifica Chief Financial Officer being used to cover-up misuse of funds and the illegal use of Pacifica funds. It`s called theft and in a foundation that took financial matters seriously this person would no longer be part of Pacifica or KPFA.
The fact of the matter is that CL and SEIU 1021 union staffer Rosalinda Palacios connived to get Pacifica to pay her way to the Pacifica Board meeting and then disappeared for months from any LSB meeting where she would be questioned about this misuse of Pacifica funds. CL supporters on the Local Station Board were so concerned about this misappropriation that they stalled any discussion about whether Rosalinda indeed used Pacifica funds and the reasons for this.
Since Concerned Listeners don`t seem to be `concerned` when one of their supporters missappropriates funds we need to be concerned about their control of KPFA by having the majority votes on the board. Also isn`t is strange that long time KPFA board member and CL supporter Rosalinda would not know that she was not entitled to having your way paid to the PNB meeting?
This only goes to show that the crew really running KPFA are not really `concerned` about how KPFA is being run when they are personally benefiting from member`s dues.
by Old Lib
Pacifica's chief financial officer authorized the expenditure.

When it was brought to the national board, it was ruled that the authorization, already paid and done, was not a legitimate one.

Once that was decided by the board, Palacios paid it back.

Doesn't matter the rhetoric; an officer of Pacifica approved the expense, and Pacifica, right or wrong, released the money. The money has since been repaid. If there is any fault, it lies with the chief financial officer for overstepping his authority.

And from what I gather, Palacios was attending labor and union events that were happening the same days as the local board met. One of these events was a Bay Area labor conference, where Steve Zeltzer was denied admission because no union or labor council would authorize him to be their representative.

Interestingly, that's about the time that Zeltzer and Phelps began attacking Palacios...

THE FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION FOR ROSALINDA IS WHY DID SHE THINK SHE WAS ENTITLED TO A 'FREE" TRIP (FROM LISTENER DONATIONS) TO HOUSTON FOR THE PNB MEETING WHEN SHE WAS NO LONGER ON THE PNB? Especially when finances are tight at Pacifica? (I am informed that she spent the entire meeting time sitting next to Dan Siegel in the audience) ROSALINDA HAS CHOSEN TO NEVER GIVE THOSE THAT ELECTED HER OR THOSE THAT SERVERD WITH HER ON THE LSB ANY EXPLANATION FOR HER REQUEST TO THE NATIONAL OFFICE FOR A FREE TRIP! (Maybe privatelt to her allies like Sherry Gendelman) The Guma e-mail documents that she asked for the "free" trip at listener expense and was properly DENIED. Rosalinda didn't give up. The e-mails below document that the CFO allowed her to "book" her flight and that she had to pay it back. Book means to reserve a flight, not pay for it. Isn't it interesting that Rosalinda made NO payments until some weeks after I brought the issue up at an LSB meeting. One can only wonder when/if payment would have been made had I not raised the issue? A prompt payment by Rosalinda upon return from Houston and this issue never would have surfaced. A straightforward explanation by Rosalinda at the first LSB meeting where I raised this issue and it would have ended there. Her cronies, some hiding their names and using aliases like "OLD LIB", continue to try to obfusacte this simple issue of ELECTED OFFICIALS ACCOUNTABILITY FOR USE OF LISTENER$ MONEY! I have never "attacked" Rosalinda. OLD LIB tries to brush off proper political criticism by calling the messenger an attacker. My criticisms started long before this issue, with her initial campaign for the LSB. She was a member of the KPFAForward slate, the "dismantlers" first recruited slate to help them maintain control of KPFA, since replaced by Concerned Listeners. At an election public meeting she denied being a member of that slate and when asked why her name was on all their papers she didn't seem to know. When asked if she was going to ask them to take her name off she said "Why should she?" My next criticism, supported by a majority of the LSB that voted her out mid term, was that she was a terrible Chair. It was obvious that she had never bothered to read Roberts Rules or our Bylaws. Like Bonnie Simmons, our current CL elected Chair, she showed clear and constant bias toward her allies. The other major criticism I have for Rosalinda is her voting with Justice & Unity 99% of the time while on the National Board. It was so sad to see Rosalinda pass if the J & U leader Bob Lederer hadn't voted or passed. Once he voted Rosalinda would follow. She even voted with them once after our LSB had voted unanimously the other way. Rosalinda is one of those folks that allowed WBAI to dig its financial hole deeper and deeper, to where now even "her dismantler allies" are worried it will affect KPFA'a finances. They should have reined in Rosalinda, Sarv, and Mary B. who all were co-dependent in the continuing tyranny of the majority at WBAI. From: lonnie hicks Date: Feb 26, 2007 11:00 AM Subject: To Whom it May Concern To: Brian Edwards-Tiekert Hereby I as, Chief Financial Officer of Pacifica Foundation, authorized Pacifica's travel agent to book Zarinah Shakir and Rosalinda Palacios to travel Houston 2007 Board meeting. In a message dated 2/19/2007 12:27:14 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes: I was out of the office that day. But I have told lynn and emailed both that we will have to be reimbursed. So the facts are clear. Rosalinda asked for a "free" trip and was denied by the ED, and then went to an ally, the CFO, at home office and was allowed to "book" her trip. No repayment until challenged about it during an LSB meeting. And most important, NO demonstration of the integrity required to be an elected official, she ran from the issue, missing 6-7 meetings in a row (not all excused) never having the self-respect or the respect for those that elected her to stand up and be accountable before the voters and/or her peers. Perhaps getting her hand caught in the listener cookie jar is why she is not running again with CL and is not even endorsing them. Of course the lack of endoresment might be from her being pissed that they wouldn't let her run with them again? Also, CL might have not been too happy with Rosalinda's loyalty being more to J & U than CL? Richard Phelps
THE FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION FOR ROSALINDA IS WHY DID SHE THINK SHE WAS ENTITLED TO A 'FREE" TRIP (FROM LISTENER DONATIONS) TO HOUSTON FOR THE PNB MEETING WHEN SHE WAS NO LONGER ON THE PNB? Especially when finances are tight at Pacifica? (I am informed that she spent the entire meeting time sitting next to Dan Siegel in the audience)

The Guma e-mail documents that she asked for the "free" trip at listener expense and was properly DENIED. Rosalinda didn't give up. The e-mails below document that the CFO allowed her to "book" her flight and that she had to pay it back. Book means to reserve a flight, not pay for it. Isn't it interesting that Rosalinda made NO payments until some weeks after I brought the issue up at an LSB meeting. One can only wonder when/if payment would have been made had I not raised the issue?
A prompt payment by Rosalinda upon return from Houston and this issue never would have surfaced. A straightforward explanation by Rosalinda at the first LSB meeting where I raised this issue and it would have ended there. Her cronies, some hiding their names and using aliases like "OLD LIB", continue to try to obfusacte this simple issue of ELECTED OFFICIALS ACCOUNTABILITY FOR USE OF LISTENER$ MONEY!
I have never "attacked" Rosalinda. OLD LIB tries to brush off proper political criticism by calling the messenger an attacker. My criticisms started long before this issue, with her initial campaign for the LSB. She was a member of the KPFAForward slate, the "dismantlers" first recruited slate to help them maintain control of KPFA, since replaced by Concerned Listeners. At an election public meeting she denied being a member of that slate and when asked why her name was on all their papers she didn't seem to know. When asked if she was going to ask them to take her name off she said "Why should she?"
My next criticism, supported by a majority of the LSB that voted her out mid term, was that she was a terrible Chair. It was obvious that she had never bothered to read Roberts Rules or our Bylaws. Like Bonnie Simmons, our current CL elected Chair, she showed clear and constant bias toward her allies.
The other major criticism I have for Rosalinda is her voting with Justice & Unity 99% of the time while on the National Board. It was so sad to see Rosalinda pass if the J & U leader Bob Lederer hadn't voted or passed. Once he voted Rosalinda would follow. She even voted with them once after our LSB had voted unanimously the other way. Rosalinda is one of those folks that allowed WBAI to dig its financial hole deeper and deeper, to where now even "her dismantler allies" are worried it will affect KPFA'a finances. They should have reined in Rosalinda, Sarv, and Mary B. who all were co-dependent in the continuing tyranny of the majority at WBAI.
From: lonnie hicks Date: Feb 26, 2007 11:00 AM Subject: To Whom it May Concern To: Brian Edwards-Tiekert Hereby I as, Chief Financial Officer of Pacifica Foundation, authorized Pacifica's travel agent to book Zarinah Shakir and Rosalinda Palacios to travel Houston 2007 Board meeting.
n a message dated 2/19/2007 12:27:14 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, lnnie [at] writes: I was out of the office that day. But I have told lynn and emailed both that we will have to be reimbursed.
So the facts are clear. Rosalinda asked for a "free" trip and was denied by the ED, and then went to an ally, the CFO, at home office and was allowed to "book" her trip. No repayment until challenged about it during an LSB meeting. And most important, NO demonstration of the integrity required to be an elected official, she ran from the issue, missing 6-7 meetings in a row (not all excused) never having the self-respect or the respect for those that elected her to stand up and be accountable before the voters and/or her peers.
Perhaps getting her hand caught in the listener cookie jar is why she is not running again with CL and is not even endorsing them. Of course the lack of endoresment might be from her being pissed that they wouldn't let her run with them again? Too much baggage? Also, CL might have not been too happy with Rosalinda's loyalty being more to J & U than CL?

Richard Phelps
by Following the Money
Whatever happened to the thousands of dollars KPFA spent to build an unnecessary studio at New College that was supposed to be reimbursed by that institution, Richard? Has it been repaid? No? Have you led the charge to investigate who is benefitting from this LARGE use of KPFA funds?

Is it because it benefits your staff allies?

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