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Indybay Feature

Samoans living in Public Housing both at Hunters Point and Sunnydale

by Francisco Da Costa
Samoans living in Public Housing in San Francisco, California, both at Hunters Point by Kiska Road, Middle Point and so on and Sunnydale by Visitation have been adversely affected by design by Mayor Gavin Newsom and his cronies. Samoans over the years have contributed a lot to San Francisco and continue to do so today. Some years ago some us formed the All Islanders Gathering As One (AIGA1) to evaluate the adverse impacts and today we are still perplexed by the action of the City and County of San Francisco.
From the early days when I worked for the United States Army and Presidio of San Francisco - I have developed very strong relationships with the Samoan community.

In recent years - I have gone to out of my way to represent the the adverse affects dumped by the City and County of San Francisco on innocent Samoans.

There is a concerted effort to drive Samoans from Public Housing and no one is doing anything to save those that need help most.

This serious issue is very evident in Public Housing up the hill at Hunters Point by Kiska Road and Middle Point especially.

The Rev. Joe Niumalelega, Fotu Pao Pao, Folole Pao Pao, Faofua Vao Vasa, Lega Niumalelega, Mose Fuau, Sagi Tipilua, Opa Sepologa, Sala Niumalelega, and a host of other Samoans have made their homes at Hunters Point and in other places and contributed to the City and County of San Francisco.

In recent years this City and County of San Francisco has with intent harmed many Samoans living in and around Public Housing. It has done this by dividing the community and targeting some Samoan City officials that have gone out of their way to help this City.

The only Recreational Facility that the Samoans had at Hunters Point was taken away and is now slated to become some Head Start center.

This Head Start Center has been bombarded by Asbestos Friables and we shall see in the future how this City will address this fiasco. The actions of Lennar BVHP LLC on Parcel A have impacted this former Recreational Center.

On another level the City and County of San Francisco continues to treated those that live in Public Housing as second class citizens.

The City's plan is to remove the Samoans from Public Housing and thinks it can execute this plan without a fight.

The Samoans are well organized and waiting for the right moment to act. Please, do not underestimate the will and more the power of the Samoan people.

In the mean time those State and Federal Housing Authorities should investigate the SF Housing Commission and other crones that have adversely impacted the Samoans in particular.

In recent years many Samoans have been evicted and there is no one to save them from their trials and tribulations.

Lack of translation and even less an understanding of their traditions and culture - leave the Samoans vulnerable to the whims and fancies of crooks - that do not care for human lives.

In recent years many Samoans have been found living on the streets in the Tenderloin in San Francisco - this was unheard of before and when I meet these innocent folks many of whom I know and they know me - they feel bad and the feeling is mutual.

San Francisco is a City with a $6 Billion budget but cannot care for those that need help.

It's Care not Cash Program is a joke and does not work.

Samoans as a people have sacrificed more for this Nation - we call the United States then any other ethnic group. More, Samoan Soldiers men and women have died for the United States and continue sacrificing their lives.

It is time the City and County of San Francisco take notice of this calamity and some program on a War Footing in put in place to set the record straight.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy

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by anonymous
Has this issue been brought up to Congressman Eni Faleomavaega's attention?
If not, please do so.

I'm all for support.
The matter comes under the jurisdiction of our local Congressperson Nancy Pelosi and Senator Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer.

It really comes under the jurisdiction of Mayor Gavin Newsom and the SF Housing Authority Commission.

An interesting note not directly connected is where as our Nation has raised the minimum wage in America - Congressperson Eni Faleomavaega's decided that those working at the Del Monte and other sweat shop facilities in American Samoa keep their wages frozen with no increase.

Further, investigation led me to find out that Congressperson Nancy Pelosi's husband owns large shares in the Del Monte company and other interests in American Samoa.

Bottom line - it is for the Samoans to be united and use the traditional Matai Format and invent another model akin to suit the American situation and bring justice and hope to the Samoan people.

While Tongans and other Polynesians chose to live outside the Public Housing facilities in large measure - for some reason many Samoans chose to make Public Housing their first choice of residence. It is primarily for this very reason thousands of Samoans in SF Public Housing will be adversely affected - when gentrification, depopulation, and other removal tactics are executed by the San Francisco authorities.
Finally someone has come forward to represent all of us Samoans who dwell in this foreign land. I highly appreciate the good effort and ambitions to the person who has posted this topic, for me and my family has been affected greatly by this big ordeal. I was born and raised in San Francisco and even used to live in Hunters Point in the late 80's. I then moved onto Daly City, Millbrae, South City, just to name a few. While living in Millbrae, we were "kicked" out so that the Bart can knock our appartments down to bulid a parking lot. Settling in the East Bay was difficult, but I managed. Most of all Samoan families have been stripped of their homes and living quarters in exchange of ridiculous projects that the city spends millions in funding. We had contributed a whole lot in "Frisco" over the pass decades and yet, they forget we too are humans with needs, but pretend we do not exist by scooting us under the rug. Many Samoans dont have any other places to live, while many flock more inland (Vegas, Arizona, Utah etc...) some like me, just dont want to leave The City behind. Its where my ancestors have settled and the majority of my family are buried at. I have been absent from the City for 10 years for i have spent time in Samoa and in the military. Samoans have the highest death rates per capita than any other state, country, or continent in the world. We have sacrificed our lives in the front lines while we couldve been doing something else. But coming home from a year's tour in the desert to see how this great country of opportunity is treating our people is a joke. Not only am I glad to be Samoan, Im also glad to distinguish myself from a great city from the one and only Bay Area in Northern California. Can't live in Vegas and represent the bay can I?!?
Posted by FRISCO on September 12, 2007 at 20:35:01:

In Reply to: Samoans Living in SF Projects posted by beti on September 07, 2007 at 17:28:53:

Do any of you live in this area? Do you have family members that do live in the area? Well I do and it saddens me that some of you assume that everyone is on AFDC General Assistance!!! Did you consider maybe because housing is so expensive here in San Francisco that person is unable to pay rent with only one or two incomes, the going rate for a studio is $1500+ please instead of making negative accusation and name calling "GHETTO RATS" lets make a difference, I suggest that those of us that live in SAN FRANCISCO and want to make a difference in our SAMOAN communities, we need to setup a meeting with Mr. Francisco Da Costa, Director of Environmental Justice Advocacy in regards to this article. If we sit back and talk! Talk! And gripe then this is the result of being invisible no programs and no services for our people.
"You ask any Samoan person, 'Hey, I need help,’ they’ll give you the shirt off their back". "Even if it's the last dollar in their wallet or the last of their food, they'll share. It's just our way. "We're brought up and taught to respect others and to be friendly to them".

"Fa'a Samoa means God and family before the individual. Whatever you've got, you need to share it."

"Fa'a Samoa means family unity and family support.”We help one another,” Whether it's the immediate family or the extended family.

I, for one, TOTALLY AGREE with Francisco' comments and the treatment of the Samoans living in San Francisco,Californa.

How DARE they treat the Samoans as "NON-PERSONA GRATA",etc., after ALL they have contributed to the city. Question begging to be asked is 'WHY?" Personal Issues maybe??
Mayor Newsom and your least have the DECENCY to MEET with these people and/or the Organization (AIGA1) to resolve this SERIOUS ISSUE, so that BOTH SIDES AGREE UNANIMOUSLY!! They, (AIGA1),at least, have the untenuable right to that.
I read and I cry! Why this Mayor is doing this to our people. I live in El Paso, Texas and my heart is for all Samoans are effecting on t his ordeal. I will help if you need my help. Let's put all our Samoan hearts and show the Mayor and his cronies that we are not the people that they pushed around. My nephew died in Irag and he faught for our freedom.
"LET'S TAKE IT TO THE TOP" Eni where are you?
I stumbled across this site by accident while doing research for a project at school. I am a student with the University of Phoenix. I am completing my studies for my Masters program this June 2009. Because this hits home for me, I need to know what was the outcome, if any on this issue? Please let me know if there are any new findings on this project or program.
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