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Ruby De Vera won Her Discrimination Case in the Los Angeles City Council

by Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV)

It’s a victory for Ruby ( De Vera), a Filipina, It is a victory for the Filipino Community!” The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) Peping Baclig and the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) Jack Vergara today express elation that De Vera was vindicated. JFAV and EPCC also hailed the decision of the Los Angeles City Council to award De Vera a settlement of $ 125,000 for her lawsuit against discrimination and injustice. De Vera run for District 14 council office and came out 3rd place among 12 candidates in 2005. She later was fired as an office manager boss for “embarrassing his boss, Council Member Ed Reyes”, was awarded $ `125,000,00 settlement last week by the City of Los Angeles. The Philippine News correspondent Yong Chavez reported this event in this US wide weekly paper for August 22-28.
JFAV Update
August 24, 2007

Ruby De Vera won Her Discrimination Case in the Los Angeles City Council

Los Angeles --“It’s a victory for Ruby ( De Vera), a Filipina, It is a victory for the Filipino Community!”

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) Coordinators Peping Baclig and Arturo P. Garcia and the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) Jack Vergara today express elation that De Vera was vindicated.

JFAV and EPCC also hailed the decision of the Los Angeles City Council to award De Vera a settlement of $ 125,000 for her lawsuit against discrimination and injustice.

Ruby for District 14 council office and came out a very strong 3rd placer among 12 candidates in 2005. She later was fired as an office manager boss for “embarrassing his boss, Council Member Ed Reyes”, was awarded $ `125,000,00 settlement last week by the City of Los Angeles.

The Philippine News correspondent Yong Chavez reported this event in ther article for the US wide weekly paper for August 22-28. Radio Manila also broadcasted the news all over Los Angeles yesterday. August 23.

The Los Angeles City Council voted 9-6 to award De Vera a compensatory injunctive and punitive damages for labor code violations and discrimination based on race/ethnic origin. De Vera has been working for the city for about ten years when she was fired.

Victory for Justice, Victory for the Community

“It is a victory for the Filipino community” said De Vera. “This is not just about money, this is about principle”, she told the Philippine media about her case. She was represented by a known Filipina anti-discrimination lawyer, Toni Jaramillo.

De Vera was active during the anti-martial law advocacy during the Marcos years and have been supportive of Philippine issues. She also is a staunch Filipino World War II veteran supporter for recognition, justice and equity. She actively represents the Filipino community is Eagle Rock, Glendale and the greater Los Angeles area.

JFAV coordinator Peping Baclig, testified at the Los Angeles city council in 2005 to support De Vera for her claims of discrimination. De Vera ran in District 14 where there is a large Filipino American population.

"We will always fight discrimination and systemic racism in any form and this victory is not only for Ruby but for all the Filipino community who seeks justice. “Arturo P. Garcia . JFAV co-coordinator exclaimed.

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