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Indybay Feature

What Will Progressives Do About the Mayor’s Race?

by Paul Hogarth via Beyond Chron
Friday, August 24, 2007 : As Gavin Newsom’s 13 opponents gather tonight for the second weekly “minor candidates” forum, how will progressives deal with the Mayor’s race? None of the challengers have a chance of winning and few can wage a strong campaign, but most are running on a progressive platform. Supervisor Chris Daly and BART Director Tom Radulovich have endorsed Quintin Mecke, but none of the other elected officials I spoke with are ready to get behind a candidate.
The Green Party recommended four candidates (but did not endorse), and the Harvey Milk Club is scheduled to vote on endorsements Tuesday. Candidates must raise $25,000 by August 28th in order to get public financing, which will indicate if anyone is viable. Regardless of the outcome, progressives must focus on an issue-based legislative agenda for the upcoming year – and plan for the Board of Supervisors races in 2008.

“I’m not playing the endorsement game,” said Supervisor Tom Ammiano. “I love them all, but I really like Quintin Mecke.” That appears to be the consensus among most of the City’s progressive leadership – besides labor unions, which have generally endorsed Newsom.

Supervisor Chris Daly, who organized a Progressive Convention in June and stressed the need to field a challenge to Newsom, has endorsed Quintin Mecke. "He has a long track-record of advocating for issues that are important," said Daly, including public safety and city planning.

Matt Gonzalez and the partners at his law firm have cut $100 checks for six of the Mayoral candidates – Dr. Ahimsa Sumchai, Lonnie Holmes, Quintin Mecke, Chicken John Rinaldi, Josh Wolf and Tony Hall. But Gonzalez was quick to point out that these donations are not meant to be endorsements.

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We, the workingclass of San Francisco, by definition, the progressives of San Francisco, are voting for an African American woman doctor and opponent of the Newsom-Pelosi-Lennar gang, to be mayor of San Francisco. The great locomotive of American history, the African American liberation struggle, is on the move, so all abord this freedom train. Can you hear the whistle blowing on this 21st Century Train? That is the sound of freedom from destruction of our city by the San Francisco Democratic Party, led by their election frauding "mayor" Newsom, his aunt, Nancy Pelosi, and their criminal real estate development corporation, Lennar. This is the same Democratic Party that has brought us since 1980 the horrific Navy's Blue Death strafing flights over San Francisco and Fleet Week military recruiting show during Columbus Genocide weekend and this nightmare is proudly supported by Nazi Newsom. THE ONLY VIABLE CANDIDATE IS THE CANDIDATE OF THE WORKINGCLASS, DR. AHIMSA SUMCHAI.
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