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Interview with jarek Kupsc- Director/Writer/Actor in The Reflecting Pool

by Carol Brouillet
On the weekly Questioning War-Organizing Resistance rdio show, local activist, Carol Brouillet interviewed Jarek Kupsc, the writer, director, actor in The Reflecting Pool, one of the first narrative feature 9/11 Truth films.
Jarek Kupsc spoke on Questioning War- Organizing Resistance August 6th. (Full interview is available online at the show's archives). There has been a great deal of interest from the 9/11 Truth community in the movie’s trailer, many considering it a slick Hollywood feature film. But the reality is that it was self-financed, paid for by credit cards, and a labor of love. Jarek is a “narrative film maker,” likes to work with original material, and doesn’t do documentaries. Jarek grew up in Communist Poland under martial law. After 9/11 he became a father for the first time, and his child occupied him completely for a year and a half. He spent two years seriously researching 9/11 when he realized that “there was a story here.” He hoped that someone else would do it, but then he realized that maybe he needed to tell it himself. “It’s our Watergate--obvious, dramatic, tragic--the end of the twentieth century.”

All of Jarek’s films are infused with a political message. For example, his film Recoil dealt with symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder when a Vietnam veteran encounters a veteran from Bosnia.

Aware that the 9/11 Truth movement is reaching critical mass, Jarek hoped he could contribute to its growth by creating a narrative film that laymen would enjoy watching. It is essentially a “buddy film” involving two men--one a very reluctant skeptic assigned to do the story, and the other a fanatic, the father of a 9/11 victim, devoting his life to tracking down the killers and bringing them to justice. “What does it take to go after the truth?” and “How hard is it to convince the public?” are two of the big questions the film raises. Jarek likes ambiguous endings that don’t tie up neatly and point to a “happily ever after” conclusion. The film ends more on a “what are these people going to do, now?” note, which is intended to strike a chord in the public and help motivate them, thus contributing to reaching a critical tipping point in awareness.

Jarek Kupsc and Joseph Culp, the writer/director/producer/principle characters in The Reflecting Pool will be introducing the film and speaking afterwards at special preview screenings at the 9/11 Truth Film Festival--at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 10th and 4:50 p.m. Sept. 11th.

Questioning War- Organizing Resistance is hosted by Carol Brouillet, a longtime activist. She publishes the Deception Dollars, and Co-Founded the 9-11 Truth Alliance, and the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance . She organized premieres of films, educational events, marches, rallies for 9-11 Truth, the San Francisco International Inquiry into 9-11, and produced the film Behind Every Terrorist- There is a Bush. She is also a mother of three boys and has held a weekly Listening Project in downtown Palo Alto since October 2001. She ran for Congress in 2006 on the Green Party ticket on a 9-11 Truth, Peace, Impeachment platform.

§The Reflecting Pool
by Carol Brouillet
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by Carol Brouillet
I just got this from Jarek-


We have a new, extended web trailer for our movie, "The Reflecting

Go to:

The movie is most likely going to have its World Premiere at the Fort
Lauderdale Int'l Film Festival in late October, unless we get accepted
by Chicago Int'l FF (I doubt that - no major film festival has shown an
alternative 9/11 movie to date).
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