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Marin Supervisors Meeting-OPEN SPACE-low-income drivers insurance-Alt. Trans.-Human Rights

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Event Type:
San Rafael, CA 94903
Location Details:
Civic Center

County of Marin from
Board of Supervisors
Meetings are held in the Board of Supervisors Chambers
Room 330
Civic Center, San Rafael, CA 94903

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Agenda items will be heard at the time specified or later, depending on the progress of the meeting.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

10:00 a.m.

1. Board of Supervisors' matters.

2. Administrator's report.

3. Open time for public expression, up to three minutes per speaker, on items not on the Board of Supervisors' agenda.

4. Consent Calendar A (Items CA-1 through CA-7)

("Consent Calendar A" reflects those agenda items that have prior policy approval.)

5. Consent Calendar B (Items CB-1 through CB-3)

("Consent Calendar B" reflects those agenda items requiring four affirmative votes relating to budgetary matters.)

6. Supervisors Adams and Brown requesting presentation from the FY 2006-07 Andrea Fox Fund grant recipients.

7. On behalf of Supervisor Adams, request from the County Administrator to support changes in federal law to require the federal government to continue payment of federal health benefits to county jail inmates charged with crimes.

Recommended action: Approve.

8. On behalf of Supervisor Adams, request from the County Administrator to request the State Department of Insurance extend its Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program to Marin County, providing low-income drivers with access to affordable automobile insurance.

Recommended action: Approve.

9. Request from the Department of Public Works to take actions related to the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program ("NTPP") as follows:

a. Accept NTPP Status Report;

b. Approve changes to funding program as detailed in staff report dated July 24, 2007;

c. Authorize the Public Works Director to approve funding agreements with implementing jurisdictions as detailed in staff report dated July 24, 2007;

d. Authorize the Public Works Director to execute any required documents related to the funding swaps as detailed in staff report dated July 24, 2007; and

e. Authorize President to execute second addendum to agreement with Alta Planning + Design, in the amount of $26,711 for the total amount of $385,461.

Recommended actions: Approve.

10. Request from the County Administrator for Board concurrence and adoption of response to 2006-2007 Grand Jury Report "Aging in Marin – An Essay of Uneasiness" (May 2, 2007).

Recommended actions: Concur in and thereby adopt the response and direct the President to submit the response to the Presiding Judge.

10:30 a.m.

11. Hearing: Consideration of Mill Valley Refuse Service's requested 3.2% rate increase, effective August 1, 2007, for refuse collection in the Southern Marin Franchise Areas 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.

Recommended actions: (a) Conduct hearing scheduled at 10:30 a.m.; (b) consider adopting rate increase; and (c) authorize President to execute ninth amendment to the agreement with Mill Valley Refuse Service, Inc., reflecting approved rate.

11:00 a.m.

12. Hearing: Consideration of resolution revising the rate/charge schedule (increasing rates by 3%) for the Division of Community Mental Health Services treatment services for FY 2007-08.

Recommended actions: Conduct hearing and consider adopting resolution.

13. Hearing: Consideration of continuation of the Rush Creek Landscaping and Lighting District.

Recommended actions: Consider adopting resolution confirming the diagram and assessment of the Rush Creek Landscaping and Lighting District.

14. Appointments:

a. Assessment Appeals Boards ("AAB") 1 and 2

One term expiration on AAB #1 (Leland Jordan, incumbent) and one term expiration on AAB #2 (Arthur Friedman, incumbent).

Recommended action: Schedule appointments for August 14, 2007.

b. Bel Marin Keys Planning Advisory Board

One vacancy due to the death of Donald White. An application has been received from Robert Forsyth. A letter dated June 22, 2007, has been received from the Bel Marin Keys Community Services District recommending Mr. Forsyth's appointment.

Recommended action: Make appointment.

c. Children and Families Commission

One At-Large term expiration. Applications have been received from Aideen Gaidmore (incumbent) and Richard Thaxton.

Recommended action: Make appointment or schedule interviews for August 14, 2007.

d. Human Rights Commission

One At-Large vacancy due to the resignation of Aref Ahmadia.

Recommended action: Schedule appointment for August 14, 2007.

Recess as the Board of Supervisors

11:05 a.m. Convene as the Marin County Open Space District Board of Directors

15a. Approval of minutes of the meeting of July 10, 2007.

15b. Board of Directors' matters.

15c. Open time for public expression, up to three minutes per speaker, on items not on the Open Space District Agenda.

15d. General Manager's report.

15e. Request approval to proceed in partnership with the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary and the United States Army Corps of Engineers to develop a Locally Preferred Plan related to the Bolinas Lagoon Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study.

Recommended action: Approve the framework and timeline for developing a new Locally Preferred Plan.

Adjourn as the Marin County Open Space District Board of Directors

Reconvene as the Board of Supervisors

16. Closed Session:

a. Instructions to labor negotiator (Human Resources Director) regarding all bargaining units pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6.

b. Conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Name of case: Paralyzed Veterans of America v. McPherson, et al.

Reconvene in Open Session

Announcement from Closed Session.

1:30 p.m.

17. Hearing: Felling Appeal of the Felling Design Review and Second Unit Permit. 333 Arroyo Road, Lagunitas. (APN 168-033-11)

Recommended actions: (a) Review the administrative record; (b) conduct public hearing; and (c) make determination on Appeal.

2:00 p.m.

18. Hearing: Donig Appeal of the Cohen Design Review. 50 Lockton Lane, Novato. (APN 143-461-10)

Recommended actions: (a) Review the administrative record; (b) conduct public hearing; and (c) make determination on Appeal.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

CONSENT CALENDAR A (Items CA-1 through CA-7) ("Consent Calendar A" reflects those agenda items that have prior policy approval from the Board.)

CA-1. Board of Supervisors:

a. Supervisor Adams requesting resolution proclaiming August 2007 as "Breastfeeding Awareness Month."

b. Supervisor Brown requesting resolution recognizing Captain Edward C. Wight on the occasion of his retirement from the San Anselmo Police Department.

CA-2. Community Development Agency:

Request to adopt Resolution No. 2007-___ authorizing the submission of the application to the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank for financing of the Marshall Phase 1 Community Wastewater Assessment District, and approving other matters in connection therewith.

CA-3. County Administrator:

Adopt Resolution No. 2007-___ continuing the local emergency declaration for the County of Marin, related to severe storm damage, in conformance with Government Code Section 8630.

CA-4. Fire:

a. Authorize County Administrator to execute agreement with TBW & B, Public Finance Strategies, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $100,000, to develop and conduct a public outreach and education program for the Wildland Fire Protection and Parks and Open Space.

b. Authorize President to execute agreement with the Ross Valley Fire Department, in the amount of $103,934 for FY 2007-08, for a term of five (5) years, commencing on July 1, 2007, and ending on June 30, 2012, for provision of Fire Protection Services.

CA-5. Health and Human Services:

NOTE: Agreements in items CA-5a and CA-5b are renewals of existing agreements that were included in the proposed FY 2007-08 budget.

a. Authorize President to execute FY 2007-08 agreement (#07-65284) with the California Department of Health Services, Immunization Branch, in the amount of $42,750, to develop and implement a regional immunization registry system.

b. Authorize President to execute FY 2007-10 Master Agreement (#07-65060), and related documents, with the California State Office of AIDS, in the total amount not to exceed $1,247,571, to provide services to persons living with and at risk for HIV/AIDS.

c. Authorize President to execute agreement with Hatchuel-Tabernik & Associates, in the amount of $35,000, to prepare the Marin County Child Care Needs Assessment and Five-Year Comprehensive Master Plan.

d. Adopt Resolution No. 2007-___ adopting the Vulnerable/Special Needs Population Annex to the Marin County Operational Area Emergency Operations Plan.

CA-6. Human Resources:

Request to adopt the new classification and proposed salary range of Deputy Sheriff Specialist (Class #0267), effective August 12, 2007, and authorize position to be filled immediately.

CA-7. Public Works:

a. Authorize President to execute first addendum to agreement with CSW Stuber Stroeh Engineering Group, Inc., increasing the contract by $39,200 for a total amount of $59,050, for nonmotorzied transportation improvements for the proposed Marin Health and Wellness Campus.

b. Authorize President to execute second addendum to agreement with Kermani Consulting Group, increasing the contract by $98,000 for a total amount of $316,000, related to the disaster cost recovery effort from the winter storm disasters of 2005/06.

c. Request to (i) adopt Resolution No. 2007-___ approving the Bar-Or Subdivision Final Map; (ii) accept the offer of dedication of a 5-foot right-of-way offer of dedication on Viento Way, Point Reyes Station; and (iii) reject all other offers of dedication on behalf of the County

d. Adopt Resolution No. 2007-___ approving Amendment Number Three to the Agreement related to maintenance obligations for the private road over crossing at the Redwood Landfill Road/Highway 101 intersection.

e. Authorize President to execute agreement with Ramfire Building Maintenance, in an amount not to exceed $160,000, for janitorial services through June 30, 2008.

CONSENT CALENDAR B (Items CB-1 through CB-3) (Four affirmative votes required)

("Consent Calendar B" reflects those agenda items requiring four affirmative votes relating to budgetary matters.)

CB-1. Community Development Agency:

a. Request to (i) accept a Farm and Ranch Solid Waste Cleanup and Abatement Grant, in the amount of $50,000, from the California Integrated Waste Management Board ("CIWMB"); (ii) authorize President to execute agreement with Marin Conservation Corps, in the amount of $47,000, to dispose of waste tires and debris from a legacy waste site located near Tomales; and (iii) approve related budget actions as detailed in staff report dated July 24, 2007.

b. Request to (i) accept a Waste Tire Enforcement Grant, in the amount of $166,400, from the California Integrated Waste Management Board ("CIWMB"); and (ii) approve related budget actions as detailed in staff report dated July 24, 2007.

CB-2. Health and Human Services:

a. Request to (i) authorize the President to execute grant agreement with Avon Foundation, Inc., in the amount of $400,000, for a two-year adjunct biospecimen research project for the Marin Women's Study; and (ii) approve related budget actions as detailed in staff report dated July 24, 2007.

b. Request to (i) approve personnel adjustments in the Division of Public Health, HIV/AIDS Services Program in preparation for the delivery of services at the Marin County Health and Wellness Campus, effective July 29, 2007, and (ii) approve related budget actions as detailed in staff report dated July 24, 2007.

c. Request to (i) approve personnel adjustments in the Division of Public Health, related to improvements in the Public Health Preparedness Program, effective July 29, 2007, an (ii) approve related budget actions as detailed in staff report dated July 24, 2007.

CB-3. Public Works:

Request to take the following actions related to the Kent Canyon Fish Passage Restoration Project: (i) authorize the Public Works Director or his designee to execute Coastal Conservancy grant in the amount of $100,000 and a National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration ("NOAA") Fisheries Grant in the amount of $183,149; (ii) adopt Resolution No. 2007-___ accepting the Grant; (iii) approve plans and specifications for the Project; (iv) direct the Clerk to advertise for bids; (v) authorize the Director to award the construction contract; and (vi) approve related budget adjustments as detailed in staff report dated July 24, 2007.

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Added to the calendar on Tue, Jul 24, 2007 10:03AM
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