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Daily Routine of Violence in the Peripheries of Rio de Janeiro Increase with Pan American

by indymedia brasil
The Pan American Games began on June 13th in Rio de Janeiro. Since last year a big media show was put together around the event, such as an election to name the mascot of the Games and daily segments on every TV show in Brazil. But quite on the contrary of what has been promoted, the Pan American Games have not brought only parties and sport to the city. The problems regarding the realization of the Pan are countless and they are more connected to the life of the residents of the slums and poor communities of the city than to the delay of the infrastructure works.

The security has been the most important issue, not only for the organizers of the event, but mainly for those who have a long history of suffering from billionaire investments: the slum's residents. Since the beginning of the year, the operations of the Military Police have increased, with the support of the National Security Force that came specially for the Games. An example - not the only one, but the one that has been most publicized by the media, is the case of the German Complex (see photographs I | II | III), where classes on local schools of the area were shut down and more than 20 people already died. On June 27, a police operation executed 19 people in the area, the police had been ordered not to take any prisoners. But on the contrary of what the corporate media has been saying, the police blockades of the area do not intimidate the traffic, but it punishes the communities. Without prisoners or apprehensions of weapons or drugs, so far the only thing achieved were local victims of 'stray bullets'.

Related Article: Police execute 19 people in German Complex and State government approves action - in English and Spanish

Photos: Denounces of the Pan American Games at the G8 in Germany | Police blockades don't intimidate traffic but punishes local communities | Routine of Violence in the German Complex | Daily routine in the German Complex

For more information check out Indymedia Brasil
In order to build the stadiums and the Olympic villages, poor communities were evicted without any kind of compensation or guarantee of dwelling in another place. Besides that the work conditions during the construction were extremely bad which generated the stoping of the work and an indicative of strike in one of the stadium (João Havelange), in Engenho Novo district.

The costs of the event were miscalculated and were ten times more than the initial prediction. In February, with the delayed work, that expense was estimated around 1.5 billion reais. But in order to make things go faster, the cost of the construction increased. Today only in the security area the costs are calculated around 562 million reais.

Sérgio Cabral, State Governer, despite his commitment to put an end to Caveirão - a vehicle used by the police to enter the slums - did not fulfill as announced, but purchased other vehicles and requested the presence of the Army during the Games. Not pleased with this, Cabral traveled to Colombia, a country known for the violation of human rights, to learn how they fight drug traffic in Bogota.

The Military Police operations, far from diminishing the drug and weapons trafficking, have only caused terror and death. Data from the Public Security Institute of Rio de Janeiro show exactly that, while the number of drugs apprehensions and weapons diminished, the number of dead police and police victims increased. Even the number of prisons has diminished. This indicates that the police operations have orders to kill and not to take prisoners.

Social movements such as the Campaign Against the Caveirão and the Network of Communities and Movements Against the Violence are making sure that the extermination politics promoted by the government are not forgotten. In March, an Assembly against the Caveirão took place, involving more movements and groups. The Assembly is already showing positive results, with activities of the communication commission, that are producing a video and vignettes for community and free radios, and the expansion of the Campaign trying to get more people involved.

The Network Against the Violence produced a document about the politics of public security in the Pan American Games. This document was also released in Europe, during the G8 meeting (see pictures). After the protests, two representatives of the social movements remain in Europe, divulging the document and carrying out activities denouncing the extermination police and terror against the poor communities in Rio de Janeiro.

As if the situation wasn't tragic enough, during the Games, Rio de Janeiro will be on State of Exception. That means that no public manifestation will be allowed without the approval of the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin) and of the Senasp (National Office of Home Security). Besides that, secret agents of several countries (including the CIA) will be assisting in this task. Abin itself affirmed that "professional" protest organizers can be monitored during the whole period of the event.

President Lula affirmed that the model applied in Rio de Janeiro can serve as a model to be applied in other cities of Brazil. Social movements are asking civil society not to let this model spreed, and to reverse the setting that is being installed in Rio.
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by braulio
July 4th, a day to celebrate Amerika's independence from England.
We can not celebrate freedom and independence if Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) psychos are harvesting terror around the globe.
CIA out of Brazil.
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