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Philadelphia Emergency Anti-War Convention webcast

Wednesday, July 04, 2007
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
Independence Visitor Center



In response to the betrayal of the antiwar cause by Congress,
Cindy Sheehan called on all citizens to

“...join us in Philadelphia on July 4th to try and figure a way out of this 'two' party system that is bought and paid for by the war machine which has a stranglehold on every aspect of our lives. As for myself, I am leaving the Democratic Party. You have completely failed those who put you in power to change the direction our country is heading. We do not condone our government's violent meddling in sovereign countries and we condemn the continued murderous occupation of Iraq.”

"We gave you a chance; you betrayed us."

“I am an advocate for a new investigation, that’s for sure. Everywhere I go, my audiences are filled with 9/11 truth people, and I really honor your commitment to finding the truth.”


We the People join together in Philadelphia on the 4th of July in the spirit of ’76 to confront a tyranny that has taken over this nation and threatens the future of civilization, as well as life on the planet.

We face a dire reality. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan continue with no end in sight. A nuclear strike on Iran may occur at any moment, based on a “false flag” terrorist attack to be blamed on Iran, as noted by Brzezinski and others. The neoconservative mania of the White House breeds war and hatred abroad. Secret prisons and torture have become routine. Peace will not come to Israel, Palestine or Iraq without embracing the principle that “all men are created equal.” An intimidated Congress continues to abdicate its obligations in violation of the same Constitution our soldiers die to defend.

We can no longer tolerate this reality. We must change it.

This historical moment demands that we bring together diverse movements from the antiwar, peace and social justice, impeachment, 9/11 truth, civil liberties, human rights, veterans and religious communities, along with concerned citizens across America, to act strategically as a United Front to deal with this crisis. Together, we pledge to respect each group’s independence, while recognizing each other’s contribution and greater potential in a common goal to stop the war.



The unique vision of the Philadelphia Emergency Antiwar Convention is to unite activist communities throughout the United States on the basis of Cindy Sheehan’s call for new and more progressive approaches to peace. In her absence, we must continue her struggle to end the war, to impeach Bush and Cheney, and to support a new investigation of September 11—the foundational event used to manipulate the public into supporting a bogus “war on terror,” presidential dictatorship and a global military agenda.

According to Michel Chossudovsky, author of America’s ‘War on Terrorism,’ “revealing the lies behind 9/11 would undermine the legitimacy of the ‘global war on terrorism,’ the main justification for waging war in the Middle East. Without 9/11, the war criminals in high office do not have a leg to stand on. Their entire National Security construct collapses like a deck of cards.”

White House, Congressional and media justification for war stop here.


There will be a press conference at 12:15 PM in the second floor ballroom.

Events begin at 1:00 PM and end at 9:00 PM.

Opening Remarks: Introduction and ground rules for this event. We want to establish a context for our interaction aimed at developing trust and cooperation. We want to bridge differences, while at the same time recognizing the individual character and strengths of our coalition participants.

Presentations: We want to hear each other! A 10-minute window for leaders from various groups aimed at introducing your work, present and future plans, and your suggestions towards a greater strategy will be provided. Please provide some bullet points of your strategic plans and how you want our movement to evolve.

Strategy Deliberations: We want to discuss various options that we have towards defining a plan of action that recognizes our various strengths and resolves our weaknesses. (We would not be having this meeting if we had stopped the war.)

We will conduct our deliberations and debate with the possibility of using break-out groups and other strategies to better caucus and define our positions, with the goal of strengthening communication and trust among ourselves.

Keynote Panel and Speakers: 7:30 PM, to be followed by the signing of Our Declaration of Truth, Peace & Justice - July 4th, 2007

Panelists so far include:

Philip J. Berg, Esq. former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, former candidate for Governor and U.S. Senate, national advocate for individual rights.

Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col. USAF, ret. decorated Vietnam fighter pilot, former director of Star Wars programs under Presidents Ford and Carter, PhD. in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from CalTech, 2006 Democratic candidate for Congress (15th dist. Fla.), member of Veterans for Peace, currently on nationwide Patriots Tour to Take Back America.

David Lindorff award-winning journalist for over three decades, contributor to The Nation, Salon, and Business Week; co-author, The Case for Impeachment: The Legal Argument for Removing President George W. Bush from Office

Webster Griffin Tarpley historian, investigative journalist, expert on international false-flag terrorism; author, 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, now in its 4th edition and internationally recognized bestseller.


Register: Describe your organization, and number attending, brmas [at] We need to know who is coming ASAP.

Sponsors: Peace Action-Delaware Valley, Ad hoc committee for (PEAC)-Philadelphia Emergency Antiwar Conference

ENDORSERS: Peace Action-Delaware Valley, Philadelphia Regional Anti-War Network, World Can’t Wait, Delaware Valley Veterans for America, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Restore the Republic, Northeast 9/11 Truth, Green Party of Vermont, America: Freedom to Fascism, MUJCA (Muslim, Jewish, Christian Alliance), Socialist Party USA, ... more to come


Bruce Marshall
email: brmas [at]
Phone: 802-767-6079 Paul Deslaurier
e-mail: paulnrg [at]
Phone: 413-232-7888 Phyllis Gilbert
Phone: 215-732-9349


(A Draft)

Our nation is in crisis. Our Constitution has been shredded. The peace movement has run aground, and impeachment is “off the table.” The war machine continues to trample the will of the people and crush any opposition in its murderous drive toward global domination.

The Democratic Party has betrayed its mandate to end the Iraq War and bring the troops home, exposing the two-party system for the elite corporate tool it is.

We no longer have a free press. Our major media are owned and controlled by the same few corporations that manufacture arms and feed off billion-dollar contracts handed to them by Bush appointees.

Where are the checks and balances?

Where is Government by the People?

Where is the public outrage?

It’s time to demand truth and accountability from our elected representatives. It's time to insist that they answer to the people, not corporate lobbyists or well-funded ideological fanatics.

It's time to eliminate election fraud and ensure that the sanctity of the voting process is never again compromised.

It's time to bring our troops home and stop funding pre-emptive wars of aggression.

It's time to support our soldiers' rights when they refuse to obey unlawful orders.

It's time to resist the curtailment of our civil liberties based on color-coded fear, and to reclaim the rights guaranteed by our Constitution.

It's time to impeach the President and Vice President, based on overwhelming evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors.

It's time to challenge the official account of 9/11 as scientifically and logically implausible, and to demand a new, fully independent investigation of the foundational event for the war on terror, that if exposed, would awaken Americans out of a collective trance of complacency and fear.

It's time to examine the historical, political, social, and psychological roots of September 11—and all false flag terrorism—repeatedly invoked to justify an endless war on terror and virtual dictatorship by the Executive Branch.

We call on all activists and concerned citizens across America to come to Philadelphia on July 4th and present a United Front to reclaim our Government.

We will send a message that will once again crack the Liberty Bell as it resonates across America, in the spirit of freedom, with truth, peace and justice as our honorable goals. We will launch a campaign to stop these wars at their source. And we will prevail.

This is the time for action, not apathy; for union, not division.

This is the start of the Second American Revolution—a new beginning for hope on the planet.


Added to the calendar on Wed, Jul 4, 2007 1:42PM
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