San Francisco
San Francisco
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Indybay Feature

San Francisco the City that knows how has NO sitting Epidemiologist

by Francisco Da Costa
San Francisco the City that knows how does not have a sitting Epidemiologist. Now, how could that happen with the current increase of AIDS and other such diseases. The bombardment of Asbestos Dust and other toxic dust in and around Parcel A - with the SF Health Department looking the other way. The SF Health Department with a $1 Billion dollar budget and growing is a disgrace to the human race. Some one must take responsibility - but before that Dr. Mitch Katz must go - he must resign.
The City and County of San Francisco does not have a sitting Epidemiologist.

Now how could that happen in a City that knows how with AIDS and other pandemics in the pipe line and the SF Health Department taking the biggest risk and exposing the constituents of San Francisco to all sorts of Health and Safety issues.

We do have a population of about 780,000 that grows to over a 1 million in the day time.

There is an office that refers to a Epidemiologist but knock on the door and there is no one to answer it. You can find that office on Grove Street opposite City Hall and where the SF Health Commissioners meet and others in high places make important decisions about Health issues.

Our children have been bombarded with Toxic Dust and Asbestos Dust and Lennar BVHP LLC is doing nothing about it. The SF Health Department has article 31 that lays down the protocol but the SF Health Department and Doctors Rajiv Bhatia and Mitch Katz are doing nothing.

Army Brownell who works for the SF Health Department has been giving our misinformation and even at this eleventh hour the SF Health Department is spreading false information in the community - in and around Parcel A and Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

The City and County of San Francisco does not have any emergency plan in place and has no leaders such as a qualified Epidemiologist to understand some diseases that could play havoc with the standing fragile community in San Francisco.

Mayor Gavin Newsom talks the talk but cannot walk the walk.

Mayor Gavin Newsom could easily have called on an Epidemiologist to study the Health and Safety of the children and other in and around Parcel A at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. But Gavin Newsom has not.

In this case he cannot because there is NO Epidemiologist! Where is the Main Media on this one?

Thousands of people have been exposed to radiological elements - including all those fans that have been attending all those 49er games all these years at Candle Park aka Monster Park.

We need a qualified Epidemiologist to study the facts and relate to the constituents that pay their taxes - what is really happening as far as the governance of Health and Safety in our community in the Bayview Hunters Point and surrounding area.

San Franciscans that pay taxes owe an answer especially since our politicians are in bed with Lennar BVHP LLC - not all, but most of them.

The Mayor has been busy screwing his best friends wife. Trying to eliminate bus stops to force those that cannot walk - walk blocks to a bus stop and public transportation. The Mayor arrives at some places totally out of whack and drunk.

He has created his own schedule complete with a tailor made rehabilitation program for himself - he is hooked on hot drinks but many say add some white stuff to that for that perfect mix.

What is happening to this City and County of San Francisco? And why do we not have a standing, qualified Epidemiologist?

Time to get rid of that clown Dr. Mitch Katz - a complete clown - all one needs to do is put that red ball on his nose and one can introduce him to any third class circus in any small town.

Dr. Rajiv Bhatia who does not live in San Francisco and Amy Brownell who does not live in San Francisco have with intent harmed thousands and must go.

We have had patience with these scum bags but the time has come to send them packing.

Again Mayor Gavin Newsom why does our City have no Epidemiologist? And why has this post not been filled for so long?

Call: 1.866.475.6907

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
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by Wayne Lanier, PhD
I read your article with interest, being a microbiologist by training, now retired. Were the abusive remarks just left over anger, caused prior injustices? Or, were the abusive remarks a preferred style? I found it difficult to connect the harshness of these remarks with the failure of SFDPH to have an epidemiologist on the staff. I suspect the SFDPH might have a little difficulty hiring an epidemiologist. There really aren't that many epidemiologists in the world. Traditionally, the field requires extensive training in the three disciplines of microbiology, medicine, and mathematics/statistics; and, these days, it also requires training in genetics. It is primarily a research field, largely because the kind of folks who are willing to undertake such extensive training in different disciplines are most likely driven by curiosity. San Francisco is a small city; although the budget of DPH may seem huge, it has neither the budget of a research institution, nor is the DPH intended to be a research institution. On the other hand, SFDPH can easily consult with epidemiologists, either by going to UCSF, or UCBerkeley, or Stanford University Medical School, or, more likely, the CDC. The first three are institutions of research, with research support facilities. The last is the heavy-hitter institution for more practical epidemiology. Take a look at the web site of the American Epidemiology Society, or the International Genetic Epidemiology Society, or the Society for Epidemiological Research. They list a few members, and you can Google search the members to see that they are usually at big institutions like CDC, or NIH, or at larger universities and medical schools. Their publications, in addition to research papers, include books on biostatistics and specialized texts on various aspects of genetics, or microbiology, or emerging diseases. What might be appropriate for SFDPH is a person trained in Public Health with a certificate in epidemiology. Such a person would be able to evaluate local medical problems and alert the folks with the right expertise, usually at CDC.
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