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Indybay Feature

Gavin Newsom's Legacy

by Stu Smith via Beyond Chron
Monday, July 2, 2007 : I smiled at published statements from the Mayor's Office that he wants to eliminate bus stops to speed up Muni. What a legacy Gavin Newsom is creating! First he suggested getting rid of public trash cans, now elimination of already underserved bus stops. In my seven decades of living in San Francisco, I can't remember any elected official ever accomplishing less that our current Mayor, running unopposed at this time, and issuing a barrage of press releases announcing more cutbacks in services while at the same time raising fees and taxes.
I don't think it's any of my business, or anyone else's but the parties involved, whether Newsom has affairs with his best friend's wife in his office and lies about it, shows up at public functions drunk, supplies booze to minors he's sleeping with or snorts cocaine with his rich, young cohorts; but to veto more beat cops while kids are shooting each other, dealing dope, defacing private property, robbing tourists and taxpayers in broad daylight and getting away with mayhem is beyond comprehension.

Mayor Newsom travels a lot here and abroad and returns home every trip with a borrowed idea from Chicago, New York or another well-led city and crows about initiating something another leader is doing successfully and that is the press release du jour as the city crumbles around us. WiFi is proving to be a failure everywhere it's been tried and still we are told it will close the digital divide in San Francisco which is unadulterated hogwash.

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