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Richard Gage, AIA and John Parulis, organizer of TruthBurn on radio June 11, 7-9 pm PST

by Carol Brouillet (cbrouillet [at]
Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and John Parulis, organizing of the TruthBurn project for Burning Man will be on the weekly Questioning War-Organizng Resistance radio show on We The People Radio Network Monday, June 11th.
Listen 7:00- 9:00 pm (PST) to the and to our guests on June 11, 2007- Richard Gage and John Parulis.

In the first hour, we will speak with Richard Gage, AIA, a Bay Area architect and founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Richard Gage has in his 20 years of practicing architecture, worked on numerous fire-proofed steel-framed buildings. Most recently he has performed construction administration for a new $120M High School campus including a $10M steel-framed gymnasium, and is currently engaged in design development for a 1.5 million square foot retail/office project utilizing about 1,200 tons of steel framing.

Gage's interest in 9/11 began when Dr. David Ray Griffin spoke on KPFA radio about the catastrophic disintegration of the World Trade Center towers and Building 7. Gage was so shocked he pulled his car to the side of the road to listen. He investigated the facts for himself, and has since shared his findings in public presentations to over 75 architects in the Bay Area, and to universities, including San Diego, Sonoma, Chico, and Winnipeg in Canada. He has received encouragement from members of local chapters of the American Institute of Architects (AIA). Over 100 architecture and engineering professionals have joined Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth to call for new investigations of the destruction of the World Trade Center.

On June 13, 2007, Richard Gage will be presented with a 2007 Heroic Citizen for 9/11 Truth Award at an Impeachment Rally in Palo Alto sponsored by the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance.

In the second hour we will speak with John Parulis who is now focusing primarily on helping the 9/11 Truth Movement gain increasing credibility and mass acceptance. His latest project is TruthBurn. He is working with Richard Gage and others to design not just an art project for Burning Man, but an experiment which shows how thermite cuts steel and what sort of signature it leaves behind in its wake, to draw attention to the anomalies and evidence ignored in the official explanation of the destruction of the World Trade Center.

He grew up in a blue collar college town in central Massachusetts. After college, he lived in an Ashram in California and studied Raja Yoga and Eastern Philosophy with his teacher, Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati for 30 years. During that time he helped raise a family, learned a trade and worked on and off for GreenPeace as a cameraman on board the Rainbow Warrior. He is a community activist, web master for a union technology resource, ( and reporter for the IndyMedia internet news system.

John is a deeply spiritual person who believes in the transformative power of Truth. On his TruthBurn website, he writes:

Being that we are all intimately connected by our common inheritance of shared life on one planet and that our common shared higher intelligence governs life in both seen and unseen ways, and being that this common ancestry has its roots in cosmic intelligence or mind, and being that we therefore incarnate with this shared higher intelligence, we share its creative power as well. We are imbued with this creativity and its commonality.

As an outlet, voice, individual manifestation and aspiration for this cosmic intelligence, I claim the highest thought of calling forth truth telling on an unprecedented scale in the minds and hearts in high levels of government and other individuals. I call forth the energizing of personal courage where it matters the most to catalyze this movement of truth telling on a grand scale. I know that truth telling is at the foundation of healthy individual as well as a healthy societal life. I know that what has gone astray can be righted by a personal and public, fearless embrace of the truth, with safety for the truth teller.. The deepest space in the heart of all people knows this to be true and wants it revealed without delay.

Questioning War-Organizing Resistance is hosted by Carol Brouillet, a longtime activist who organized three conferences on Strategies to Transform the Global Economy and (the first) marches on her Senators and Congresswoman in January 2002 to Demand a Congressional Investigation of 9-11. She publishes the Deception Dollars, and Co-Founded the 9-11 Truth Alliance, and the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance . She organized premieres of films, educational events, marches, rallies for 9-11 Truth, the San Francisco International Inquiry into 9-11, and produced the film Behind Every Terrorist- There is a Bush. She is also a mother of three boys and has held a weekly Listening Project in downtown Palo Alto since October 2001. She ran for Congress in 2006 on the Green Party ticket on a 9-11 Truth, Peace, Impeachment platform. She organizes a monthly Impeachment Rally in Palo Alto; the next rally is on June 13th 1-3 pm, at Lytton Plaza, with Dennis Bernstein acting as master of Ceremonies, superheroeshelping to give out Heroic Citizens for 9/11 Truth awards to Richard Gage, AIA, Janette MacKinlay, Dr. Robert Bowman, Cosmos, and Aaron Dames.

§John Parulis
by Carol Brouillet
by Carol Brouillet
§Questioning War- Organizing Resistance
by Carol Brouillet
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by voice in the wilderness
Those searching for the Truth about 9/11 would be best served to read the book

Debunking 9/11 Myths by Dunbar and Reagan, both editors of of the well respected magazine Popular Mechanics. It reviews the alternative claims and uses interviews with eyewitnesses and publicly available documents to show why they are false.
Any manner on person seems to be able to put forward a 9/11 conspiracy theory regardless of their qualifications and they are rarely critically examined.
But Dunbar and Reagan are only criticized from afar, an outlet like We The People Radio Network has never (and probably will never) give their evidence the same time and fair treatment that they give the conspiracy theorists. Perhaps they are too scared of coming too close to the actual, obvious truth.

There's plenty other things about the government to be outraged about From Iraq to Gitmo to the lack of a domestic policy.
by Cale
The senior researcher on that myth debunker, benjamin chertoff, is in fact the cousin of michael chertoff, the head of the department of homeland security. He and the magazine's chief editor, james meigs, were both installed just a few months prior to 9/11, after james' predecessor was fired. This was done by cathleen black, the owner of hearst magazines, which owns popular mechanics, who has family ties to both the CIA and the pentagon.

On top of PM's history of "yellow journalism," this puts them in a state of severe conflict of interest. Not to mention they told some flat out lies on democracy now and instead of giving direct answers to questions, simply repeatedly invoked the phrase "conspiracy theories" multiple times, also mentioning absurd things like area51 and holocaust denial.

This is Fox News type "journalism."
by psikeyhackr
So why isn't Gage demanding information about the TONS of STEEL and TONS of CONCRETE one every level of the towers? Is it possible to design and build a 110 story skyscraper without determining and documenting that?

So why don't we have a gravitational collapse analysis showing it is impossible for the top to crush the bottom in less than 18 seconds? The mass at the top must move the mass below and destroy the supporting material. Why is there so much silence from our engineering schools? If this could happen it should be simple to explain with all of the computing poser we have 39 years after the moon landing.
by psikeyhackr
The WTC towers were destroyed 70 years after the Empire State Building was completed.
{{{ "Design and construction
The Empire State Building was designed by Gregory Johnson and his architectural firm Shreve, Lamb and Harmon, which produced the building drawings in just two weeks, using its earlier designs, for the Reynolds Building in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and the Carew Tower in Cincinnati, Ohio, as a basis. The building was actually designed from the top down" }}}
That top down design makes a lot of sense. The building MUST support its own weight through its entire height. So design a few levels, figure out how much they weigh and then you know how strong the next few levels must be, all of the way down the building. After all, what kind of computers did they have in 1929?
The NIST NCSTAR1 report says the south tower was deflected by 12 inches at the 70th floor by the impact of the plane even though that was 130 feet below the impact point. The building then oscillated for FOUR MINUTES. How much of the kinetic energy of the plane went into causing that oscillation? How can that be computed without knowing the distribution of mass, especially steel and concrete. So why don't we have the info on the quantity of STEEL and CONCRETE on every level of the towers after SEVEN YEARS? Why hasn't the so called Truth Movement been after the engineering schools about that information? Why isn't Richard Gage and AE911Truth making a big deal about it?
The kinetic energy of the plane had two effects, it punched a hole in the building doing structural damage, and it caused the building to oscillate. One of the survivors said the floor started moving like a wave. But how can the structural damage even be approximated without separating out the energy that shook the building from what did the damage and how can that be done without distribution of mass? All engineering students should understand something this obvious even if they don't know how to do the calculations.
The distribution of mass is also relevant to computing the conservation of momentum effects in the collapse and the supposed potential energy that people want to claim explains the pulverization of concrete.
All of the engineering schools should have been screaming for this data for years and the Truth Movement should have noticed their silence.
This whole thing is a farce without such simple to understand and obviously important information. The designers had to figure this out just to estimate the construction costs before people would even make the decision to finance the construction. Who puts up $300,000,000 for a guess? The NCSTAR1 report does not even tell us the total for the concrete.
But NIST says this:
{{{ "2.4.3 Single Impulse Excitations
Accurate estimation of the tower’s motion during the airplane impact required detailed knowledge of the geometry, weight distribution, and impact velocity of the aircraft, as well as detailed knowledge of the geometry, weight distribution, and structural strength of the tower. At the time of this test series (fall 2003), much of this information was unknown, and the impact motion could only be roughly estimated. To allow this estimate to be made quickly, many simplifying assumptions were made regarding the nature of the impact." }}} page 74
So why should we think the top 15 stories of the north tower could come straight down destroying everything below without knowing the TONS of STEEL and TONS of CONCRETE on every level all of the way down. And if we had the data on 110 levels why leave out the 6 basements? We don't even know the tons of steel in the impact zone that the fire supposedly weakened. That quantity would be relevant in analyzing conduction.
The NEUTRON was not discovered until the year after the Empire State Building was completed. The V-2 was not successfully launched until 10 years after that. And the first electronic couputer became operational 3 years later still. So we are supposed to believe the analysis of a couple of skyscrapers is so complicated and the agency of government assigned to explain the events can't even specify the total amount of concrete in the towers. This SEVEN YEAR joke is getting really stale.
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