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Indybay Feature

East Bay Animal Advocates June 8, 2007 eNews

East Bay Animal Advocates
P.O. Box 1406
Martinez, CA 94553
(925) 487-4419
Info [at]
Help farm animals this weekend

Tomorrow, help EBAA (10 AM - 2 PM) with farm chores at Harvest
Home Animal Sanctuary in Stockton. On Sunday at noon, join EBAA
for fun advocacy to encourage Lunardi's Supermarket to stop
selling eggs from caged hens. A life-size battery cage--confining
humans instead of chickens--will be on display at Lunardi's
Belmont store.

Get active for animals:


Don't let Congress undo state and local animal laws

A small provision (Section 123) tucked into the pending Farm Bill
in the U.S. House of Representatives would prohibit states and
localities from banning activities they deem to be contrary to
public health, safety, and morals. Section 123 would undo bans on
horse slaughter, intensive confinement of pigs and calves raised
for veal, force-feeding of ducks and geese to make foie gras, and
other important laws. It is an outrageous power grab that would
undermine the democratic process and deny citizens the right to
pass state or local laws on issues of humane treatment or food
safety. Please make brief, polite phone calls to your two U.S.
Senators and one U.S. Representative and urge them to oppose
Section 123 of the House Farm Bill. You can reach your federal
legislators by calling the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121.

Take action:


Do you want to save a kitten's life?

Fostering for the Berkeley East Bay Humane Society is a way to
have baby kittens in your home, and experience the joy of kittens
without the long-term commitment or financial burden. Most
kittens need fostering until they are 8-10 weeks old. We pay for
all food, litter, and vet care. All you do is provide a warm
place for the kittens (away from any other pets), and loads of
love! Fostering is a great way to find out if you're ready to
adopt a cate, or for someone who wants to help animals, but can't
commit to a lifetime of animal care.

Become a foster parent:


Free childrens workshop about rabbits

Are real bunnies naughty like Peter Rabbit? Do wild rabbits
really frolic in the woods like the ones from The Velveteen
Rabbit? Susan E. Davis, mother, award-winning author, and HRS
educator, will read excerpts from classic rabbit-themed
children's stories and then lead a discussion on the
differences (and similarities) between fictional bunnies and
real ones. All ages of children (and grown-ups!) welcome. Sat,
June 9, 11:00AM. $10 adults; children free. All classes are
held at the House Rabbit Society International Headquarters and
Rabbit Center, 148 Broadway, Richmond, CA 94804. Funds raised
from admission go to support the rescue and educational
programs of House Rabbit Society.


Bay Area startup seeks veg software development interns

A vegan-owned and managed emerging sports games startup in San
Francisco is looking to hire vegetarian/vegan software
development interns for summer 2007 (and potentially beyond) who
are interested in entrepreneurship and promoting
vegetarianism/veganism. Interns will have the opportunity to work
with experienced entrepreneurs across many facets of a startup
business. The successful candidate will be proficient in C or
C++, creative, have a strong work ethic, and be an enthusiastic
learner. This paid internship will provide significant
development opportunities, as well as an opportunity to
experience a broad range of roles in a startup company. Please
submit resumes and inquiries to vegprogjob [at]
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$40.00 donated
in the past month

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