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Indybay Feature

Supreme Court Asked To Review 'Homophobic Fliers' Ruling

by 365 Gay (reposted)
Thursday, June 7, 2007 : (Oakland, California) Lawyers for two city of Oakland workers have asked the US Supreme Court to review a ruling that found the city had not violated their civil rights when it removed homophobic fliers from the workplace.

After an e-mail was distributed in 2003 to employees at the Community and Economic Development Agency containing information on a National Coming Out Day rally a group of Christian workers put up fliers on bulletin boards announcing the formation of the Good News Employee Association .

The fliers said the association "is a forum for people of faith to express their views on contemporary issues of the day with respect for the natural family, marriage and family values."

A lesbian CEDA worker complained to supervisors that the flier made her feel targeted for discrimination in the workplace and after reviewing the fliers management removed the fliers and told the organizers of the group, Regina Rederford and Robin Christy they could repost them if the language were changed.

Rederford and Christy instead filed suit alleging that then-city manager Robert Bobb and Joyce Hicks, who at the time was deputy director of the Community and Economic Development Agency, with violating their First Amendment rights.

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