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German activists prepare for G8 summit

by tristan
The annual G8 summit is from June 6-8 in northern Germany and protests are planned.

Some say that the anti-globalization movement is dead. Others never liked that term and called it the Global Justice Movement. Everyone agrees that the days of successive summits is over. However the issues that gave rise to this movement are just as present today as ever. Faceless capitalism controls the economy and makes life or death choices for millions, a few rich men and even fewer women dominate the decision making process. The need for change is as urgent as ever and the struggle for a more livable world goes on.

The G8 or eight most economically developed nations (ignoring China) will meet in Germany from June 6-8 and we will be there. Our goal is to protest them and create models of the world we want to live in, in our camps and organized spaces. Some have criticized summit protests and felt that all activists should focus on local issues. While many will keep up that focus some of us will take one week out to unite and come together in a unified and massive ‘No’ to those in power.

Germany has a large activist scene and many concerned people not in the scene. Preparations have been going on for one and a half years. Almost all sectors of the left are mobilizing to protest the G8. Unions and youth groups, radical left and even churches will be there with anti-nuclear protestors and anti-fascists.

The G8 will meet in an exclusive hotel at the seaside. There will be a large fence enclosing the whole area and a much larger area that is off limits to dissent. Sixteen thousand police will guard them. They have already shortened their meeting in anticipation of our protests.

There will be three camps to hold thousands of people. One will be in the city of Rostock and two in the countryside near the summit. Here we will practice collective living and meeting our own needs without governments. We will get to know each other, share stories and create bonds of friendship while learning of struggles throughout the world. This coming together and sharing is vital to keep movements infused with new ideas, form becoming too insular and stagnant.

On June 2 there will be a massive protest in Rostock. All of the unions and other moderate groups will be there. Up to 100,000 are expected. Also this day the fascists will march in Schwerin (against the G8) and thousands will oppose them. On June 6 there is the big blockade. Many moderate groups have called for the roads around the summit to be blockaded to stop the staff and thousands of other summit attendees from getting to the summit. Obviously those who make major decisions that affect all of our lives refuse to consult with anyone outside of the privileged few. We view the summit as an illegitimate and will try to stop it. The Block G8 groups will have sit-down blockades on the roads. Other groups will use other tactics. All in all a large array of groups will be active on this day. On June 7 there was a ‘Star March’ the converge on the summit. It has been denied permission along with all other protests but many plan to march without permission. We do not need the governments permission to oppose it.

Earlier, on May 28 there is a meeting of the European Union Foreign ministers and Asian representatives in Hamburg. Many will protest there as a warm up. On May 9 the police raided 40 houses and offices of left organizations in Germany, ahead of the summit. It was widely seen as a fishing expedition to gather information on the left. Thousands poured out in the streets later that night. There were 5,000 in Berlin and the police action has only given people more energy to protest.

On May 21 three Info Points open in Berlin and One in Hamburg. There is already a school serving as an info point in Rostock and people are coming from all over to organize the protests. People are coming to Germany from many countries and the display of resistance should be strong.

For information check out: and click on ‘en’ just under the title for English. Or check out for information and history of other summits including videos.

In the meantime activists have been busy locally. There have been many dozens of attacks on targets related to the G8. Most of these have been paint bombs and window smashing but also there have been quite a number of cars burned. Sometimes in direct relation to the G8 and sometimes against gentrification, as was the case on may 18 when an actor’s 75,000 dollar SUV was burned.

Berlin and many other parts of Germany are covered with graffiti, stickers, posters, fliers and banners against the G8. Every day the newspapers have articles on preparations for the protests. Come and be a part of it. The world’s rulers want us to be history but we will make history instead.

Press Release about star mach being banned

G8: Urgent appeal lodged against demonstration ban.
If necessary, the 'star-march' coalition plan to take matters all the
way to the federal courts.
G8 countries' foreign policies are given as the reason for the "police

Press Release May 18th 2007
[Gipfelsoli Infogruppe | International Press Group]

All demonstrations in the vicinity of Heiligendamm have been prohibited
under a General Ban issued by the German Office for Association. The
grounds behind the fence and a 4 kilometre area around the perimetre of
the fence fall under the ban. With this ban, the protests are to be held
at a 6 kilometre distance.

The planned 'star march' is one of the initiatives that is affected by
these measures. With the motto, 'taking the protest to Heiligendamm',
the star march is intended to end with a closing rally in Heiligendamm.
Today, the star march coalition is lodging an urgent appeal against the
ruling. A decision is expected at the end of next week. "If necessary,
we will have our right to protest confirmed by the federal courts", a
speaker for the star march coalition said. The prohibited area stretches
from the camp in Reddelich almost all the way to the camp in
Wichmannsdorf. A speaker of the BAO "Kavala" has declared that a
congregation of 3 people within this area is illegal under the ruling.
"This means that we can't even leave the camp in groups of 3 and walk
next to one another without the police breaking us up", says a camp
participant of the WomenLesbianTransgender Network. The rationale for
the ban, according to "Kavala", lies with the foreign policies of the G8
countries. A "latent threat situation" exists for the representatives of
the G8 countries because of the wars in "Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Iran,
Afghanistan, Pakistan and Palestine". Even the German Government is
perceived as endangered, because of its "increasing engagement in
conflict regions". What is meant is the war in Afghanistan.

Hanne Jobst of the Gipfelsoli Infogruppe finds this reasoning absurd:
"Protest is forbidden because it would have negative effects for foreign
decision-makers. The G8 makes decisions that affect the lives of
millions of people every day, without the legitimacy to do so, yet in
the opinion of the police, the G8 should not have to be subjected to
these people's anger".

Even popstar Herbert Groenemeyer has to admit this: "There is real
anger", he explained in the German newspaper 'taz' the day before

Conicidentally, this week in Scotland, charges against five activists
who were arrested and detained on their way to a closing demonstration
at the conference hotel in Gleneagles during the 2005 G8 summit, were
dropped. "As always during summit protests the police use arbitrary and
often illegal measures to prevent protest from reaching those it seeks
to criticise", Gerda Achterhuis of the Dutch Dissent network argues.
"The move to ban the demonstration does not surprise us. However, we
will not let ourselves be intimidated and will continue to mobilise for
the star march and all other actions against the G8 meeting."

Gipfelsoli Infogruppe: +49 0160 95314023
International Press Group: +49 160 92437902

Public statement of the police department Rostock (detailed
justification for the ban, 23 pages):
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