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Indybay Feature

Locals seize Nigeria oil facility

by BBC (reposted)
Angry Ogoni youths have taken over an oil facility in Nigeria's volatile Niger Delta region leading to cuts in oil production, officials say.
The villagers, angered by oil spills from pipelines running through their community say they will not leave until they are paid compensation.

The protests have led Royal Dutch Shell Plc to reduce crude oil production by 170,000 barrels per day.

A Shell spokesman said negotiations with the youths had begun.

The BBC's Abdullahi Kaura in Port Harcourt says the Ogoni people have had a running battle with the oil giant for the past 14 years over oil spills.

Insiders say Shell is planning to resume production in Ogoniland, 14 years after they were forced out of the area by the villagers, a factor that may have triggered the new protest inside the facility near K-Dere in Ogoniland.

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