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Cattle and Deer killed in drive-by shootings in rural west Marin County

by Thomas Yeatts
Over the last month, unidentified shooters have killed three cows and at least three deer in the Chileno Valley.
Cattle and deer killed in drive-by shootings In Rural West Marin County
Point Reyes Light staff
Point Reyes Light - Point Reyes Station California

Over the last month, unidentified shooters have killed three cows and at least three deer in the Chileno Valley.

At 3:30 p.m. on Monday, March 19, John Goldbeck, a fourth generation Chileno Valley rancher, was feeding cows on his J.G. Angus Ranch when he saw out of the corner of his eye a “small, light-colored” car come to a stop. He then heard five “pops” in quick succession, like a firecracker.

“I’m used to tourists stopping to take pictures of the cows, and I’m used to teenage antics, so I thought little of it and turned back to my work,” Goldbeck said. “Right after I turned, I heard a ‘yahoo’ as the car took off – not moving fast, just rolling off.”

A few minutes later another car came to a stop at the same place, near the parcel Goldbeck rents to rancher Joe Vierra. People from the car yelled out, telling him a cow was bleeding. Goldbeck ran to the site, about 200 yards away, where he found a cow, near death, tangled in the fence wire. Goldbeck went home, contacted Vierra and grabbed his gun. The cow that had been shot was one of Vierra’s, a commercial cow raised for slaughter.

Observing its state, Goldbeck and Vierra decided to shoot the cow in the head to end its suffering.

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