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Fill the "H" for 9/11 Truth at the "Beach Impeach" event!

by Camille
Come wear black and join 9/11 Truthers in the "H" at Beach Impeach next Saturday, April 28 at Ocean Beach in San Francisco. Come early, the event starts at 10:30.

Support the Truth and Impeachment!
Beach Impeach was organized by San Francisco cab driver Brad Newsham (, and was attended by 1,000 people who laid down in the sand of Ocean Beach in San Francisco (Nancy Pelosi's very district, just two days after Pelosi assumed the House speakership), with their bodies arranged to spell out the message “IMPEACH!” in 100-foot letters. Photos taken from a helicopter, showing the 1,000 bodies and the “IMPEACH!” message in the foreground and the Golden Gate Bridge in the background, circled the globe in an Internet heartbeat and wound up in newspapers and websites around the USA and the world.

…and here is a article from the DailyKos:

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As heard on KPFA news, 6 p.m., 4/21/07, when introducing a conference on the 9/11 Truth Movement, the news reader referred to it as the "so called" 9/11 Truth Movement. KPFA, a mouthpiece of the reactionary Democratic Party, the twin of the Republican Party, is clearly filled with profoundly backward people who not only insist on voting for a war and fascist party, but have the unmitigated gall to attack a worldwide and nationwide growing movement expanding geometrically as the obvious is revealed to the world: (1) No air defense means 9/11 was an Inside Job and (2) Controlled demolition means 9/11 was an inside job. We saw that as it happened. Now, 5 years later, only warmongers and their Democratic-Republican Party support the government's lies and are so stupid as to cast any doubt on the fact that the 9/11 Truth Movement is teaching the truth to all who will listen.
KPFA announcers and all other ignorant people, watch the DVD at
Watch the many movies at:
Listen to Guns & Butter on KPFA at 1 p.m. on Wednesdays and online at:
and read all of the following books today:
1. Crossing the Rubicon by Michael Ruppert
2. The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions & Distortions by David Griffin
3. The New Pearl Harbor by David Griffin
4. Painful Questions by Eric Hufschmid
5. The Iron Triangle (on Carlyle Group) by Dan Briody
6. 9/11 Revealed: The Unanswered Questions by Rowland Morgan & Ian Henshall
7. Waking Up From Our Nightmare by Don Paul and Jim Hoffman
8. 9/11 Facing Our Fascist State by Don Paul
9. 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA by Webster Tarpley
10. Body of Secrets by James Bamford
11. The War on Truth by Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed
12. The Terror Conspiracy by Jim Marrs
13. Towers of Deception by Barrie Zwicker (with DVD enclosed)
14. 9/11 and American Empire edited by David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott
15. Flight 93 Revealed by Rowland Morgan
by Camille
Thanks for the comments. If there are any more doubters out there (and they are becoming fewer and fewer) please check out and for relevant articles pertaining to the truth movement.
by indybaylink
Carol Brouillet, a Green Party leader at the forefront of the 9/11 Truth Movement and the movement to impeach Bush speaks to Lew Brown, Nancy Mancias, and Brad Newsham in this podcast made April 16, 2007.
by Camille
>>So does this mean the "truthers" are daring the Judy Wood's "particle beam weapons from space" to smoke them to ashes?"

Judy is by and large considered not credible by virtually everyone in the Truth movement, so why bring her up? Nobody takes her seriously.

>>Or is it just spring time and "intellectual" people who are too shy or too ashamed to take off their tops need an excuse to wear black t-shirts to the beach?"

Black expresses that day of infamy and sadness, and, for me, the Americans like you who shut down your critical thinking skills to follow fairy tales by the government.

>>Perhaps there are space aliens watching? Or does the ISS channel the "impeachment energy" back to Washington? Inquiring minds want to know!

Who knows. Maybe Aliens are watching us (Karl Rove and Cheney seem to come to mind), and impeachment energy channeling sounds like a good thing to me, kind of the opposite of Fox Spews, but instead of sending out hate waves that get people popping mind numbing blue pills, will be sending out truth waves that will get people popping healing red ones.

Go ahead, take the red pill.
by Carol Brouillet
Before camille sent this out, I sent out an email to the Northern California 9/11 truth Alliance and posted on my website this:

Impeach Beach- Rally at Nancy Pelosi's home- National Day of Action for Impeachment
Saturday, April 28, 2007,
10:30 am Ocean beach
San Francisco

A special-event permit application has been submitted to the Park Service, and the Park Service has given a verbal thumbs up. The permit, when issued (the Park Service expects to issue it in early April,) will allow 2,000 people to come and lie down on the beach with their bodies arranged to spell out an impeachment message. On January 6, 2007, one thousand people came to the same spot on Ocean Beach and laid down and spelled out “IMPEACH” in 100-foot letters. Since we’ll have 2,000 people this time, we’ll probably spell out “IMPEACH NOW!” – with the “NOW!” part either in slightly bigger letters (125 feet?) than the “IMPEACH” part, or perhaps we’ll simply underline the “NOW!” part, or whatever seems to make the most sense during the graph-paper-and-tide-charts stage of planning…
TIME: Please arrive BY 10:30 a.m and find a spot in the lettering. The helicopter or photographer’s airplane (not finalized yet) plus whatever news helicopters may come should arrive overhead at 11. The whole should all be over within 15-30 minutes. Last time, a few people trickled in around noon, thinking they’d still be a part of it, but by noon most people had departed and a football game had broken out on the sand.

And Please REGISTER at

9-11 Truth Activists- Let's try to be the "W" in NOW! if Brad spells it out- otherwise- let's just do the H, again like last time. I'll try to be early with signs, banners, Deception Dollars, 9/11 fact sheets...

----There is a possibility that we'll bring the giant replica of the flawed 9/11 Report to the beach, and try to park it near whichever letter we hope to fill, and bring tables for all our free literature- it was great fun passing out Deception Dollars last January. Keep an eye out for us- and remember to bring blankets.
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