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Indybay Feature

Putting an End to Harassment - EQCA Youth Bills Pass Committee

by Equality California
Lawmakers stood by youth this week, approving two EQCA-sponsored bills that will
protect students.

CA -- Equality California

April 19, 2007

Lawmakers stood by youth this week, approving two EQCA-sponsored bills that will
protect students.

Photo: Marci Burba/EQCA

At the Capitol:

People of Color

Lobby Day

On Monday, April 16, LGBT community leaders from across the state gathered at the
Capitol to lobby lawmakers about the importance of marriage equality for communities
of color.

Lobby Day Coalition Partners Include:

API Equality

Chinese for Affirmative Action


Marriage Equality USA

Asian Americans for Civil Rights and Equality

To learn more or get engaged with future coalition events, send an email to
info [at]

They've had trash thrown at them and their lockers vandalized with slurs. They've
received death threats.

Many are victims of physical violence. And they're often the subject of crude jokes
and rumors.

Youth who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) face an uphill
battle every day - simply by going to school. This week in Sacramento, however,
lawmakers stood by students by approving two measures sponsored by Equality
California that will help rid our schools of harassment and bullying based on sexual
orientation and gender identity.

The Senate Judiciary Committee passed the Student Civil Rights Act  to
ensure that youth are protected in all school activities. SB 777 (Kuehl) brings the
state's education code up to date with California's evolving nondiscrimination
standards so that all publicly-funded school activities and programs are clear and
consistent in the protections they afford youth.

The Assembly Committee on Education approved the Safe Place to Learn Act
 to keep youth safe in the classroom and the hallways of ALL California 
schools. AB 394 (Levine) would provide clarification and guidance to school
districts and the state on how to properly enforce existing school safety laws that
ban discrimination of any kind.

Both EQCA-sponsored bills will help California put an end to the harassment of
youth. School should be a safe place for all students, where they don't have to fear
for their safety or face the ridicule and violence that are obstacles to their
academic achievement and success.



Alice Kessler

Legislative Director

Equality California

P.S. EQCA opposes several bills introduced this year that would have a negative
impact on the LGBT community. Look for our action alert on Monday, April 23, and
help us urge lawmakers to oppose these bad bills.

Legislative Update


Keep an eye on EQCA's Legislative Center  to get the latest updates on
these bills headed to Senate committees next week.

Tuesday, April 24

Senate Public Safety Committee

SB 518 (Migden)

Juvenile Justice Safety and Protection Act

Protects LGBT youth in juvenile justice facilities

Wednesday, April 25

Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee

SB 559 (Kehoe)

Fair and Equal Taxation for Surviving Partners Act

Provides domestic partners relief from unexpected property taxes

Keep Us Moving Forward 

EQCA opposes several bills introduced this year that would have a negative impact on
the LGBT community. Look for our action alert on Monday, April 23, and help us urge
lawmakers to oppose these bad bills.

Contributions to Equality California support EQCA's political work and are not tax
deductible as charitable contributions under IRS-162(e).
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