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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Bay Area Calendar April 20, 2007

by Bay Area CODEPINK

Pink Opportunity
Pink Events
Pink Actions
Pink Banner Drops
Pink Vigils
Pink Locations
CODEPINK Local Groups

Check out all the great CODEPINK events coming up this week!

April 20, 2007

Bay Area Calendar - April 20, 2007

Pink Opportunity
Pink Events
Pink Actions
Pink Banner Drops
Pink Vigils
Pink Locations

CODEPINK Bay Area Meetings

San Jose Meeting
Tuesday April 24th, 7:30pm, 266 N. 20th Street, San Jose for info contact
katrinacepeda [at]

San Francisco - Pelosi Watch Meeting
Wednesday April 25th, 6:00pm, 2017 Mission Street 2nd Floor (at 16th Street), San
Francisco BART: 16th and Mission St. Station, to RSVP email peace [at]

East Bay Meeting
Wednesday May 2nd 25th, 7-9p.m., CODEPINK East Bay, 1248 Solano Avenue, Albany
Some of the exciting items on the agenda are the Summer of Protest campaign,
Mother's Day actions, whether to go to D.C. or not, and more! For more info, email
info [at] or call 510-524-2776.

If you can't make a meeting but want to volunteer or have some ideas to share, email
us at: info [at] or codepinkbayarea [at]



Iran Citizen Diplomacy

July 7th through 20th

You are invited to visit Iran as a citizen diplomat to do what our governments
cannot do, create people-to-people ties. During this time of heightened US tension
against Iran, and a backdrop of zero diplomacy for over 27 years, it has become even
more important for Americans to educate themselves and others, and provide a counter
balance to the Bush administration's demonization of the country and people. Learn
the complex facets of Iranian history, culture and the context of US-Iran relations.
Hear from multiple perspectives about Iranian daily life, society, and the current
crisis with the US. See that despite censorship and social repression, Iranians
continue to advance and struggle towards change.

Tentative meetings with:
* Society of Victims of Chemical Warfare
* University and Theological students
* Women's Society against Environmental Pollution
* Grand Ayatollah Imami, a high-ranking Shi'ite cleric
* Visits to Zoroastrian, Jewish and Christian minority communities

Cost: $2150
* Double-room hotel accommodations (Single rooms are available for an additional $425)
* Three meals per day
* Transportation to and from all programmed activities
* A qualified trip leader and language translation
* All program activities and honoraria to host speakers, organizations, and

Contact Sanaz for more information at sanaz [at] or (415) 575-5528.


Banner and Flower Making Party
Wednesday April 25th 7:00pm
2017 Mission Street 2nd floor (at 16th Street)
Mission District, San Francisco

Help make banners, tissue-paper flowers, and other beautiful pink messages of peace
and impeachment for the March and Caravan to Camp Pelosi on Saturday, A28, following
the BEACH IMPEACH event at Ocean Beach. We need decorations for the bus we're
renting to shuttle people to Camp Pelosi, and flowers for the pink golf cart, which
will pull the giant Gandhi puppet for 5 miles through Golden Gate Park to Camp
Pelosi in Pacific Heights.

Let's use our creativity and have fun getting ready for this big CODEPINK event!
Pizza and salad to share. Contact Cynthia Papermaster, 510-333-6097,
cynthia_papermaster [at], with questions.


Ocean Beach, San Francisco

CODEPINK Table at Camp Pelosi

A few wonderful CODEPINK volunteers are needed to set up and staff our CODEPINK
BOOTH at the BEACH IMPEACH. Our booth will be very pink, with tables, chairs,
coffee, hot water for tea, baked items, lemonade, cut watermelon, and CODEPINK items
such as t-shirts, books, and sign-up sheets. Please contact me if you can volunteer
for an hour or two. The booth is closed during filming (between 1-11:30). We made
about $500 with our January BEACH IMPEACH booth, so let's do it again!

There is a Rally with Speakers, Teach-In, Music, Food, and Kids' activities at Camp
Pelosi, 2640 Broadway in Pacific Heights, from 2-4pm on April 28. Again, a few
wonderful volunteers are needed to represent CODEPINK and staff these activities.
Again, please contact Cynthia Papermaster, 510-333-6097,
cynthia_papermaster [at] to volunteer.


Positive Peace Vibes

Youth tell us "What About Peace?" for 2007 in the results of a nationwide contest
about peace. It will give you hope. Go to to read, see and
hear some fantastic creative thoughts, feelings and ideas about peace. These young
people even "think outside the box". 973 entrants from 40 states participated. The
contest is co-sponsored by Global Exchange and Jadetree Three.


Average Dyke Band Rocks the House for CODEPINK's MMMEG (Monthly Monday Meet Eat
&Greet) Fundraiser!
April 23rd, 6 pm to 10 pm
Anna's Jazz Island
2120 Allston Way, Berkeley

CODEPINK Women for Peace invites you to our exciting MMMEG (Monthly Monday Meet, Eat
& Greet) on Monday, April 23rd. Once again, the Average Dyke Band will return to the
stage and inspire us with their awesome tunes and musical talents. We will also be
honoring our awesome Congresswoman Barbara Lee for her recent courageous vote
against giving Bush an additional $124 billion to escalate war in Iraq.

Come fill your bellies, schmooze with CODEPINK activists, and re-fuel your
determination to End War Now! And support CODEPINK's work as well! Tickets are $23,
more if you can or less if you can't, and are available by calling 510-524-2776 or
emailing info [at]

All this will take place at the wonderful Anna's Jazz Island, located at 2120
Allston Way in Berkeley, one block east of the downtown Berkeley BART station, from
6-10pm Monday, April 23rd.


Dinner with Dahlia Wasfi, MD
Thursday April 26th, 6:00pm dinner, 7:00pm talk
Red Vic Peace Cafe
1665 Haight Street
San Francisco, CA
$15.00 includes entree and salad

Join CODEPINK Women for Peace and Global Exchange in a dinner with Dahlia Wasfi, an
Iraqi-American woman speaking out against the US Occupation on Iraq.

Dr. Dahlia Wasfi spent her early childhood in Saddam Hussein's Iraq, until she
returned to the United States with her family in 1977. Dr. Wasfi graduated from
Swarthmore College in 1993 with a B.A. in Biology, and from the University of
Pennsylvania School of Medicine in 1997. She returned to Iraq in February/March of
2004 to see her family in Basrah and Baghdad. Recently, she visited Iraq for
3-months, returning to the U.S. in March 2006. Based on her experiences, she is
speaking out against the negative impact of the U.S. invasion and the need to end
the occupation.

For reservations and information contact johanna [at]


National Day of Impeachment
Saturday April 28th

CODEPINK Women for Peace invites you to take the message to Nancy Pelosi -
Impeachment is on the table!

10:30am, Beach Impeach, Ocean Beach, San Francisco
To register or for more information Spell "Impeach Now!" with
your body in 100 ft high. Choose a letter at the beach or join CODEPINK (wear pink!)
at the letter "C". Helicopters filming overhead at 11:00am

12noon, March and Caravan from Beach Impeach to Camp Pelosi, 2640 Broadway (Scott
and Divisadero) in Pacific Heights, San Francisco. Join the Gandhi Puppet on foot or
by car in a 5.7 miles trek to Speaker Pelosi's home in Pacific Heights. Decorate
your bodies, signs or cars with Impeach Bush & Cheney messages and visuals.

1:00pm, Peace & Impeach Bush & Cheney Bus will shuttle people to Camp Pelosi from
Ocean Beach and from 3 Peace Stops along the route. Contact Toby (510) 215-5974,
ratherbenyckeling [at] for details and bus reservations. Muni #24 stops is
closest to Camp Pelosi @ Jackson & Scott. Parking available in neighborhood.

2-4pm, Rally at Camp Pelosi
Teach-in, speakers, Impeach Bush & Cheney slogan contest, "Postcards to Pelosi"
calling for the impeachment of Bush & Cheney, music, food, kid's activities.
Speakers include Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK and Global Exchange co-founder; Dr. Peter
Phillips, co-editor, "Impeach the President"; Colonel Ann Wright, former US
diplomat, resigned in opposition to the Iraq war; Lew Brown, "We're not Buying It"
national impeachment shopping boycott.

Media contact: Cynthia Papermaster, (510) 333-6097, cynthia_papermaster [at]

The Beach Impeach, Camp Pelosi & Rally are some the nationwide A28 "Day of
Impeachment" actions at

For more actions around Pelosi visit Pelosi Watch.


CODEPINK honors Lynn Woolsey
Saturday April 28th 12noon
Walnut Park, Petaluma

Lynn Woolsey will be honored by a CODEPINK entry in the annual Butter and Egg Days
Parade on April 28th in Petaluma.

Our slogan, in honor of the local Fire Department will be: CODEPINK honors Lynn
Woolsey for keeping the fire under Congress! We're calling for marchers to join us
in full pink regalia in Walnut Park form about 11:30 to 1:30pm. Call or write
Celeste at (707) 762-5124 or CDurrum [at] to reserve your spot, as the number
of marchers is limited.

Those of you who haven't attended this old-time, small-town parade before are in for
a wonderful treat!


Film: The Short Life of Jose Antonio Guttierez
Mission Cultural Center
April 28th 9:30pm
2868 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA

This moving film by Heide Specogna tells the nearly unbelievable story of a one-time
street kid from Guatemala, who headed north full of hopes and desires for a better
future - ultimately to die an American hero far from home in Iraq. It does so, by
retracing his path - from Guatemala through Mexico to the United States - and by
meeting the people who accompanied him on his journey: his friends from the street,
the social workers at the orphanage, his sister, his foster family and his comrades
at the Marine Corps.

Co-sponsored by Global Exchange and CODEPINK Women for Peace


Petition: Citizen's Iraq/Iran Foreign Policy Initiative to Speaker Nancy Pelosi

We, the undersigned, urge Speaker Nancy Pelosi to do everything in her power to
achieve the following:

-- Bring our troops home from Iraq by the end of 2007;
-- Mandate that the Bush administration get authorization from Congress before any
attack on Iran;
-- Begin investigations to see if there are grounds to start impeachment proceedings
against George Bush and Dick Cheney.

Sign the on-line petition to Madame Speaker Nancy Pelosi (here)

For questions or information email peace [at]


Halt! The Blue Angels

For those who live and/or work in San Francisco, we ask that you join community
activists in seeking a permanent halt to the annual strafing of the city by the Blue
Angels, for the following reasons: The risk to life and property, noise and air
pollution, fuel waste, and waste of taxpayer dollars are all for an unnecessary show
of military prowess.

Sign the on-line petition to San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newson and the Board of
Supervisors to Halt! The Blue Angels

For questions or information email peace [at]



East Bay - Passionate Pink Rush Hour Freeway Banner Drop. Please join us this &
every Friday as we drop a banner. (Rain cancels). We will be on the University Ave.
footbridge (over I80/580 off the frontage road) anytime between 7:00am and 8:30am.
Wear pink! For more info email Norma at billnorma [at] or contact Toby at
510-215-5974. If enough folks show up, we spread out to other overpasses!

San Francisco - Join Elisa and Martha for a rush hour banner hang again on Friday,
from 4:45 to 5:45pm. They stand on the Highland Ave. Bridge over San Jose Avenue
(entrance to 280 South). This location is easily accessible by BART and J-Church
MUNI. There's plenty of free street parking around too. Email Martha
(mhubert7 [at] or Elisa (codepink [at] for details.

San Jose - Tuesday, Feb. 13th, 5:00 p.m. Freeway blogging at Winchester overpass
over 280. Meet at S. Winchester Blvd. & Tisch Way -- just south of the Winchester
Mystery House. We'll meet afterwards (6:00 p.m.) at Peet's Coffee at Santana Row.




Cerritos vigil - Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm North El Cerrito at or near the Del Norte
BART station. 1st , 3rd, and 5th Wednesday of every month: In the Del Norte BART
Station, by the main fare gates (north side). 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month:
Corner of San Pablo Ave. and Hill St. ... Just in front of the giant Target sign. (A
busy corner with lots of traffic. Large signs are good! Friendly drivers will honk
and wave!) Please contact Toby Blome: ratherbenyckeling [at] (510) 215-5974

San Francisco - CODEPINK Vigil for Peace! Give us one hour a week! Stand with us
every Wednesday from 5:30 to 6:30pm on Post and Market Streets.

Napa - Jefferson at Lincoln

Castro Valley - Redwood Rd. at Castro Valley Blvd. (Safeway corner), 5:15-6:15 pm

Santa Cruz - Farmer's Market, Lincoln & Cedar, 5:00-6:00 pm

Do you want to start a vigil in your area or need more information about the
existing ones? Contact Suzanne at: itsherbiz [at]



East Bay, Monday 1pm to 5pm, Tuesday noon to 3pm, Wednesday 2pm to 6pm, Thursday 3pm
to 6pm, or by appointment. We need more volunteers to cover office hours on Fridays,
Saturdays or Sundays. Come by 1248 Solano Ave, Albany, or call (510) 524-2776.

San Francisco, Open Monday through Friday 9am-5pm 2017 Mission Street, 2nd floor San
Francisco, CA, 94110 (415) 575-5555

In Peace,
Add Your Comments
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$40.00 donated
in the past month

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