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Indybay Feature

4/28: Sacramentans to Join National Calls to Impeach Bush

by Broadway Reports
Once again, Stephen and Virginia Pearcy have taken the lead in an effort to end the reign of terror that the Bush administration has thrusted upon Americans. The Pearcys will hold a huge IMPEACH BUSH demonstration at the popular 16th & Broadway location that they've become known for bringing to life.
On Saturday, April 28th, from 6pm to 8pm, Sacramento area peace activists are expected gather at 16th & Broadway in great strength and unity to join in the national day of action to spell IMPEACH throughout the country. As always at the Broadway location, the atmosphere will charged, energized and full of diversity.

Over the last two years, the Pearcys have organized the largest and most popular anti-war demonstrations in Sacramento. The demonstration on April 28th is expected to be yet another compelling event, especially now that support for impeachment is at an all-time high.

Only last month, the Pearcys and over 300 anti-war supporters joined forces at 16th & Broadway to oppose the 4th year of the U.S. military presence in Iraq. Two months earlier, the Pearcys brought Cindy Sheehan to 16th & Broadway and then to a "Fireside Chat with Cindy Sheehan" at their home. Several hundred people attended both events.

With the combination of great organizing and the ever-increasing national outrage at the Bush administration, the IMPEACH BUSH demonstration at 16th & Broadway will certainly be worth checking out. Once again, it's on Saturday, April 28th, from 6pm to 8pm.

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Fri, Apr 20, 2007 8:24PM
mad as Hell
Fri, Apr 20, 2007 11:53AM
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