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Indybay Feature

Marriage Messengers Are Coming! Plus, EQCA Events in SF, Sac

by via EQCA
lots going on, but some of it is nearly offensive (can't we fight for more than just marriage? like, the right to have any kind of consensual relationship you want?)

Equality California Institute |

Coming Soon: Marriage Messengers!

They're coming soon to a neighborhood near you. They're the new Marriage Messengers,
and they're destined to change hearts and minds across California.

Do you have what it takes to be one of them?

Like to meet new people.
Enjoy organizing.
Love to connect with your community.

Then, you're a perfect candidate.

As a Marriage Messenger, you will be a crucial part of the biggest marriage campaign
our state has ever seen. It will forever change the way California looks at
marriage. For more information visit:

The Equality California Institute needs energetic, talented, friendly people of all
skill levels, from the born leader with little campaign experience to the seasoned
activist. Sign up now to be a Marriage Messenger. Opportunities are available in San
Francisco and Sacramento. To sign up go to


Field Interns Needed
Get your feet wet. Get connected. Get experience.
EQCAI is looking for Field Interns, an opportunity for activists who have a passion
for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues. You will help take the
lead on the new marriage campaign and get to be a part of history.

Read more ( about this
opportunity to connect with a diverse group of LGBT leaders and organizations.


Upcoming Events

EQCA Upcoming Events in Sacramento and San Francisco


Second Saturday Equality Canvass
Meet new people in your neighborhood who support the freedom to marry

Saturday, April 14
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Fun for Rainbow Families
Creating a local support network for LGBT families

Saturday, April 21
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Fundraiser for Sacramento LGBT Leaders
Support leaders who will help lead the new marriage campaign for same-sex couples

Sunday, April 22
2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Sacramento State PRIDE Week
Free events all week, including a show from the Sacramento Kings of Drag

April 23 to 28
CSU Sacramento Campus

Phone Banking: Wednesdays in April
Chat with equality supporters -- EQCA provides training

4 p.m. to 7 p.m.


San Francisco House Party
Get the inside scoop on the brand new marriage campaign

Saturday, April 14
4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

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$40.00 donated
in the past month

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