San Francisco
San Francisco
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Indybay Feature

Squatters Evicted from Vacant Home on 23rd and Treat

by reZz (rezrezrez [at]
People gathered today in San Francisco's Mission district to support the tennants of a squatted building on 23rd and Treat Street and to protest the Ellis Act. The controversial act, critics charge, allows speculative realtors to evict tenants in order to raise rents.
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by Appreciate your report.

I hope someone posts video or photos from what happened next. Are there interviews with the occupants of the buildings? How was the portrayal in the mass media? The audio is great on ReZz's report here (and I love the "Yuppie Yuppie, Bad Bad Bad/Yuppie Yuppie, Ya Stole My Pad" song), but there doesn't seem to be anything about what happened to the people occupying the building. Are they still inside?

Thanks everyone for your support! The 23rd St. occupation is over, but there are more to come in the future, as long as the Ellis Act continues to terrorize tenants and as long as people are homeless in San Francisco. To get involved in future public takeovers, or help open up covert squats, come to the next HNJ public meeting:

Wednesday April 11th, 6 pm
Coalition on Homelessness
468 Turk St (at Larkin)
by reZz (rezrezrez [at]
Everyone was basically chased out of the building. San Francisco is a harder city than most for squatters, and it is a life full of hearbreak even in the best of cities. Sergent Flegherty was elloquent in explaining the SFPD's attitude towards people who don't support welfare for landlords (rent).
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