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Indybay Feature

Nine SUV's Defaced by "Eco-Vandals"

by person
Taken from "The Daily Democract".
Woodland, California, U.S. - Nine large trucks and SUV's on Casa Linda Drive and Elm Street were defaced around 1:30 a.m. Sunday by suspected eco-vandals. A witness reported seeing two males and one female who appeared to be in their late teens, spray painting cars in the area with the letters "ELF." The witness told police he was following the suspects but that they fled in a vehicle near Bartlett Avenue.

The Woodland Police Department believes that the letters ELF may stand for the Earth Liberation Front (ELF). ELF is comprised of anonymous radical environmentalists that use sabotage and vandalism to target corporations that harm the environment and to draw attention to issues like global warming. They have consistently damaged SUV's (usually ones owned by dealerships) in order to call attention to the large amount of pollutants they create and their poor fuel efficiency.

Read full article:
by As always, nobody injured by elves!!
Quick thank you shout out to the folks who planned & carried out this action! As always in ELF actions, nobody was injured. Way to go! Nice, neat & legible lettering so there's no confusion as to what this was about. Low end on the price tag so the SUV dealer can't bilk the insurance company for vandalism..

Another note to mention is that besides the greater damage to the ecosystem from higher rates of CO2 (primary cause of global warming/climate change/severe storms/etc..), NOx (smog & ground level ozone formation) and CO (chronic poisoning, see below) emissions, SUVs are also dangerous by being prone to roll-over due to their higher center of gravity. So when the SUV drivers go hot rodding along curvy mountain roads, there's a greater chance of them losing their balance and toppling over, possibly crushing some innocent bicycle rider, pedestrian, etc..

Not to mention the poor fools trapped inside the rolling vehicle who were led to believe by the Big 3 US auto corporations that they were safer by driving an SUV!!

"Dangers for SUV Rollover Accidents

Understanding the risks involved in driving a sport utility vehicle may help prevent unnecessary SUV rollover accidents.

A high center of gravity/narrow track width is one of the most important factors in determining a potential SUV rollover. Since SUVs have a higher center of gravity than other vehicles on the road it makes them top heavy. A corrective action puts an SUV in a rollover position.

SUVs are supposed to be able to carry a heavy load of people, equipment, etc, over any type of terrain. This fact has made SUVs a family car, rather than for simply off-roading. More weight increases the chances of an SUV rollover accident occurring, despite the belief that added weight will add stability.

An SUV without roll protection is what makes an SUV rollover accident so dangerous. Although SUVs were made for the purpose of off-roading manufacturers realized the use of SUVs as a family car and did not include roll bars. While the body of an SUV remained the same as it would if used for off-roading, the removal of the roll bars combined with the high clearance and high center of gravity make rollover accidents that much more fatal."

if u need legal help following an SUV rollover incident please visit;

That being said, what about the pedestrians and bicycle riders who daily deal with the excess smog emitted by SUVs? What can people do to protect our lungs from the toxic CO and NOx coming from out the SUVs tailpipe at 3x the rate of regular cars? What are the rights for our lungs? Is self-defense an acceptable response??

If an individual comes into your home and releases toxic nerve gas, self defense in stopping this attack on your physical person would certainly hold up in a court of law. When out in the public street, anybody who releases toxic nerve gas would also be held liable. Why then is it tolerable for SUV drivers to release more than their share of toxic NOx and CO into the air we all share? The additional CO2 also increases the rate of global warming..

Something not discussed as often is low level carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning, the science principle being that CO is 200 times more likely to bond with the hemoglobin in human blood than is oxygen, and the hemoglobin is then called carboxylated (or carboxyhemoglobin), thus useless for transport of oxygen to needed cells. Brain cells are dying at greater rates from excess CO exposure, symptoms include dizzyness, depression and irritability..

"Because SUVs are permitted to emit 29% to 47% more carbon monoxide (CO) and 75% to 175% more nitrogen oxides (NOx) (as well as other pollutants) than passenger cars, they contribute far more towards the health and environmental degredation on our planet - how can someone supporting this be a responsible and concerned person?"

other SUV info @;

People residing in smog prone valley basin regions like LA, Sac/San Joaquin, Redding, etc.. are at greater risk of chronic CO poisoning that can lead to long term fatigue and decreased mental functioning. This concept has remained silent is corporate media and even activist circles because if the vulnerable people were to ever demand accountability all drivers would bear some degree of responsibility. however, it is without a doubt that SUV drivers bear the MOST responsibility for low-level CO poisoning of inner city and valley residents..

Less trees in urban habitat results in less oxygen available, also remember that SUVs consume oxygen at greater rates during fuel combustion. They are literally sucking the oxygenated air out of people's lungs, so yes, SUVs REALLY DO SUCK!!!

"It is well known that urban environments contain higher ambient CO concentrations, primarily due to automotive emissions, and non-smoking city dwellers have been found to have carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) levels in the 1-2% range. 13 Tobacco smoke is also a significant source of CO, containing approximately 4% CO; smokers have been observed to have COHb levels typically in the 4-5% range and as high as 9%. Hence, their COHb levels must be interpreted accordingly.

CO combines preferentially with hemoglobin to produce COHb, displacing oxygen and reducing systemic arterial oxygen (O2) content. CO binds reversibly to hemoglobin with an affinity 200- 230 times that of oxygen. 16 Consequently, relatively minute concentrations of the gas in the environment can result in toxic concentrations in human blood. Possible mechanisms of toxicity include:

Decrease in the oxygen carrying capacity of blood.

Alteration of the dissociation characteristics of oxyhemoglobin, further decreasing oxygen delivery to the tissues.

Decrease in cellular respiration by binding with cytochrome a3.

Binding to myoglobin, potentially causing myocardial and skeletal muscle dysfunction.

entire report @;

Since the lower levels of CO poisoning don't often produce severe reactions, the chronic fatigue, headaches, depression and other side effects of low level CO poisoning are under reported. This author would like to encourage people in smog prone regions to discuss the possiblity of CO poisoning effecting their quality of life with an open minded doctor..

background on CO poisoning symptoms;

"The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Carbon monoxide poisoning includes the 29 symptoms listed below:

Non-specific symptoms
Flu-like symptoms
Poor color
Respiratory problems
Rapid breathing
Persistent cough
Chronic heart disease
Concentration problems
Personality change
Emotional problems
Panic attacks
Sleep disturbance
Severe muscle pains
Vision problems
Loss of hearing"

entire list @;

Yes, folks, we're under attack. Yes, we WILL FIGHT BACK!!

with love,

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