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Indybay Feature

Beyond Prison Day Press Release

by Dan Bacher
Here's the press release for Beyond Prison Day tomorrow at the State Capitol.
For Immediate Release March 27, 2007
contact: Freddie or Donna @213.746.4844 or
geri silva @310.365.3319

Beyond Prison Day: Striker Families Mark
13th Anniversary of Three Strikes Law at Capitol Rally

SACRAMENTO - A rally by families and others opposed to the Three Strikes
Law - which has imprisoned 4,400 nonviolent offenders, including
shoplifters and drug users - will be held WEDNESDAY, at 9 a.m. and 12 Noon
at the State Capitol (West Steps).

The rally marks the 13 year anniversary since the California state
legislature passed Three Strikes into law, which has imprisoned thousands
of people for life for petty, nonviolent crimes, according to sponsors of
the rally, FACTS (Families to Amend California's Three Strikes) and YJC
(Youth Justice Coalition).

At 12 noon, FACTS & YJC will join the Coalition for Effective Public Safety
(CEPS) and Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB), and others
to highlight the profound unfairness and fiscal irresponsibility of the
Three Strikes Law, the overcrowding of prisons with non-violent offenders,
and inadequate prisoner healthcare.

WHO: FACTS Striker families and supporters from San Diego to Sacramento,
Youth Justice Coalition (YJC), Coalition for Effective Public Safety
(CEPS), Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB), and others.
Members of the Assembly and Senate are invited.

WHERE: The West Steps of the State Capitol

WHEN: Wednesday, March 28th at 9 am & 12 noon

WHY: To protest the 177% overcrowding of prisons including 4,438 strikers
doing life for petty crimes at an annual cost of $43,600 per prisoner.

VISUALS: Protesters will have three 8' by 9' Walls of Strikers, Memorials
to Youth who died while in Cal Youth Authority, Drummers, pictures of their
Striker loved ones and grave markers to indicate that Strikers are buried
alive in California's Maximum Security Prisons.

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