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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature


Friday, March 09, 2007
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Event Type:
David Quinley
415 479 1888(Home)
163 merrydale rd #8 San Rafeal
Location Details:

Marin Green Party Council Came out against ICE Raids last night FW:Fri., March 9, 4 - 6 pm FROM MPJC NO MIGRA - NO RAIDS - NO I.C.E. Emergency Rally/Vigil Support the MARIN Immigrant Community STOP the I.C.E.HOLES 3rd and Irwin, San Rafael Bring signs, instruments, banners and your friends. Come support your neighbors. Tell Homeland Security that we are secure in the Canal. I.C.E. can go away we don't need your interference in our neighborhoods. Don't call on us, we'll call you. Keep out, stay away. We're not kidding! FW: Grassroots Action Alert: ICE Raids Putting Marin's Youth in Danger To Our Members and Partners March 8th, 2007 in this issue Join our 2007 Civic Engagement Campaign Grassroots Action Updates ACT NOW!!! Call the Mayor of San Rafael and the City Council to demand an end to these abusives raids-415-485- 3074 Call the Board of Supervisors to demand their support on this issue-415-499-7331 Call Senator Migden and Assemblyman Huffman to demand a statewide solution to these abusive practices. 916-651-1556 (Sen. Migden), 916-319- 2006 (Rep. Huffman) Sign Grassroots online petition to end I.C.E Raids in the Canal then forward this email to your family and friends and have then sign it too!!! Click here to sign our online petition calling for an end to I.C.E. Raids in the Canal Quick Links... * Grassroots Leadership Network of Marin * California Partnership (CAP) * California Budget Project * Easy Voter Guide Dear David , ICE Raids: Putting Marin's Youth in Danger The recent ICE raids that are terrorizing diverse communities in Marin and all over the country have raised awareness of how these raids are endangering our children. Just this week over 500 children nation wide were stranded at schools, left with babysitters or caretakers and at worse, left with nobody. In addition to those children who are having to cope with the abscence of their parents or guardians, there are thousands of children around the nation whose parents are opting not to send them to school for fear of not being there at the end of the day. Enough is enough! ICE raids are terrorizing local communities, putting our children in harms way and preventing many children from recieving the education that our country guarantees them as a right. The time to act is now! We must call for an end to these ICE raids as well as demanding that our goverment officials have a clear plan on how to address the issue of displaced children due to these actions. Join us and members of the Canal community to discuss this urgent issue at upcomming community events and at a very important meeting this Moday, 6:00pm at Pickleweed Park in San Rafael 50 Canal Street. For more information call Steve Burdo at 415-452- 4350 ext 301 ALSO Go to and check out our new Grassroots Blog that features the issue of ICE raids in the Canal and what can be done. Steve Burdo Civic Engagement & Public Policy Coordinator: Grassroots Leadership Network of Marin (415) 451-4350 ext 301 (415) 451-4357 fax # Join our 2007 Civic Engagement Campaign During the Civic Engagement Campaign GLN conducts a number of activities geared at increasing civic participation. It can be as simple as registering your neighbor to vote or attending a meeting and as involved as serving on a committee or running for public office. Join us by contacting Steve at (415) 451-4350 x 301. Contact us :: :: :: (415) 451-4350 Forward email This email was sent to, by Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. Powered by Grassroots Leadership Network of Marin | 2915 A Kerner Blvd. | San Rafael | CA | 94901 AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at ----------------- Forwarded Message: Subj: ICE Raids: Putting Marin's Children in Danger Date: 03/08/2007 5:19:59 P.M. Pacific Standard Time From:
Added to the calendar on Fri, Mar 9, 2007 8:04AM
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