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Indybay Feature

Lack of Universal Healthcare Killed Deamonte Driver

by Tommi Avicolli Mecca, Beyond Chron (reposted)
Sixty years ago, President Harry Truman was a man ahead of his times. According to Jill Quadagno’s “One Nation, Uninsured,” he wanted to give all Americans universal healthcare. Truman had the solid support of 75% of the country. Despite that, Truman’s effort was thwarted by the American Medical Association and by bigoted southern legislators who feared it would eliminate segregated medical facilities.
The lack of universal healthcare is one of the great shames of this country. It marks us as the only Western industrialized nation not to guarantee health benefits to its citizens. That distinction has its consequences, most recently demonstrated by the death of a 12-year-old homeless Maryland boy from an infection caused by an abscessed tooth. Deamonte Driver’s all-too-preventable death should have been a wakeup call to politicians that the lack of universal healthcare is a serious matter.

Instead, Congressmembers and Maryland state legislators are going the feel-good route. In the name of Deamonte Driver, they’re pouring more money into a broken system. Maryland legislators are proposing to give a mere $2 million to clinics around the state that provide dental care for those who can’t afford it. Meanwhile, Congress wants to distribute $40 million to health centers and departments throughout the country for dental care to poor children. It’s not enough.

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by Bella (Billyjoe6988 [at]
Deamonte Driver was only a little kid who had died at teh age of 12 on june 18 2007 at the time of 5:37 p.m. [ET] his parents hadent had the time or the money to take him to the dentist so over the days they had left him in pain the infection started to spread at first it wasent so bad intill it had spread to his brain an had him killed Deamonte Driver was only 12 years old an didnt deserve to die like this just think about it
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