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A Full Scale Invasion of Iran is the Only Option on the Table.

by Lloyd hart (dadapop [at]
A full-scale invasion of Iran is the only possible option for several simple reasons.
A Full Scale Invasion of Iran is the Only Option on the Table.

By Lloyd Hart

A full-scale invasion of Iran is the only possible option for several simple reasons. The first one that comes to mind is that, a full out invasion and occupation of Iran is the only way the U.S. can maintain absolute dominance of the region and its precious resource, light sweet crude oil. If Iran gets the bomb, the U.S. and Israel will have to settle for detente, negotiating every little detail of what happens in the entire geo-political structure of the Middle East with Iran and that of course means that Israel will finally have to settle a state of Israel and a state of Palestine along the 1967 lines. The U.S. absolutely does not want anything settled between the Palestinians and Israel as the conflict keeps tensions high in the region and allows the U.S. to capitalize on and create flashpoints. Most importantly however, is that if the U.S. were to strike at Iran's nuclear facilities in a so-called limited bombing engagement they would unleash a nuclear holocaust that could easily be on a scale of four or five Chernobyl's which besides killing millions over the next 10 to 20 years would make Iran impossible to occupy as U.S. forces would simply succumb to a radiation sickness that would make depleted uranium contamination from U.S ordinance look like a walk in the park.

And yes, the national security strategy of pre-emptive strikes is still in place and can be used exactly the same way it was used to invade Iraq. The Pentagon and the White House can simply bypass Congress and begin the invasion any time knowing full well that once the White House and the Pentagon have pulled the trigger that they have the elected Democrats in the House and Senate exactly where they had them when they invaded Iraq. In a position of having to support the troops in the field and feign resistance in the House and Senate with non-binding resolutions.

With the Europeans, Russians and Chinese effectively cowed and paralyzed in geopolitical and economic stasis the U.S. can do to Iran what it wishes to. At this point no Nation state will run to Iran's aid if an invasion takes place.

The U.S. probably has come to the conclusion that they can't push Iran off of the creation of a nuclear weapon. After all nuclear detente has worked in recent years for Pakistan, India and North Korea. Iran would be stupid not to arm itself with nuclear weapons especially after the U.S. succeeded in causing terrible damage to the Iranian people and their economy through its proxy war that Iraq provoked the Iranians into on behalf of the U.S. in the 1980's.

Whether the U.S. invades or just bullies Iran the Pentagon and the White House will do whatever it takes to maintain absolute dominance over the world supply of light sweet crude. The U.S. will not allow that supply of oil to be traded in any other currency other than U.S.. The U.S. will not allow the occupation of any of those nations or allow the governance of them by any other nation state other than the U.S. and their appointed puppets. This is why the U.S. is probably behind the creation of sectarian violence in Iraq for the simple reason that if there is no chaos in Iraq there is no reason for the U.S. to stay which leads us to, is the chaos that an invasion of Iran creates too much or just enough to justify the continuation of expanded boots on the ground.

The final thing to consider here, is whether or not Iran and the U.S. have made a deal to create the perception of ever increased tensions between the U.S. and Iran so that the Bush regime and the Pentagon are able to bully and scare the American public into believing that the U.S. is preparing to invade Iran distracting the American public for months and months from what is the continued institutional entrenchment of the American occupation in Iraq in the form of permanent U.S. military bases in the heart of the Middle East. There's always something thrown out in the public domain by the Pentagon or the White House of "look at this" "don't look at that" while the Pentagon budget continues to expand toward the 500 billion mark.

If the U.S. invades Iran a great deal of the Shia religious leadership in Iraq allied and supported financially by Iran will probably direct their gunman to start attacking U.S. forces in Iraq. Because of the size of the Shia population in Iraq, a pool from which the Shia religious leadership can draw fighters from on probably a very large scale, I am absolutely positive the generals and suits at the Pentagon and the White House have thought about the consequences of an invasion and occupation of Iran and the creation of a much larger regional war as a result. Whether or not this is what the Pentagon and the White House want, I don't know but I can say this, either way, a great deal many more people are going to die in the Middle East at hands of direct U.S. colonialism while the American public develops further eating disorders caused by their depression brought on by deep seated cowardice to do anything about it.

If it is an actual invasion of Iran or just P.R. to keep the tension running for the domestic audiences in America you can be absolutely sure that no one in America will do anything effective to stop it.
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