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Indybay Feature

Local Green Party Hosts Successful Event at Dance Mission

by San Francisco Green Party
The San Francisco Green Party collected over a thousand dollars in small donations on Saturday night, as a crowd of over one hundred people filled Dance Mission Theater to enjoy performances and speeches.
The event, billed as a "Progressive Inauguration" to celebrate local election victories in November 2006, was put together on a shoestring budget of just $300 with the help of several volunteers.

Speakers included School Board President and Green Party member Mark Sanchez, who discussed difficulties faced by the San Francisco Unified School District with a lack of teacher retention and a high student dropout rate, particularly among African-American and Latino students.

Green Party County Council member and BayView resident Charlene Smythe spoke of her community as being under siege, plagued with violence and shortchanged on services. She and others in her neighborhood, which currently has the highest percentage of home-ownership in the city, are struggling against redevelopment plans that are likely force out the few remaining African-American residents of San Francisco.

Newly elected Community College Board Member John Rizzo discussed the many initiatives he and his allies on the board will be introducing, such as sunshine requirements and additional money for programs serving the local Latino population. He also discussed the possibility of future low cost housing on City College property.

Kim-Shree Maufus, the first African-American elected to the school board in ten years, thanked the Green Party for our support in getting her elected.

Chris Daly, who was in attendance with wife Sarah Low Daly and son Jack, discussed San Francisco values and the future of progressive politics in San Francisco.

Host and former Green Party Congressional candidate Krissy Keefer performed with Dance Brigade. Also appearing on stage was the dance group Al-Juzoor, who performed dabke, Palestinian folk dance.

Pained Saint and DJ Adrian graciously donated their time, entertaining the crowd as folks mingled, ate and drank between speeches. Notable attendees included Randy Knox, founder Luke Thomas, freelance reporter and law student Savannah Blackwell, and Columnist H. Brown. Former Green Party candidates Terry Baum, Jeanne Marie Rosenmeyer and Forrest Hill were also in attendance.
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