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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature


Thursday, February 15, 2007
12:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Event Type:
David Quinley
415 479 1888(Home)
835 College Avenue, Kentfield, CA 94904
Location Details: I really doing rgis on the cuff - so this will relativily quite protest.

Plan one tomorrow - Where plan strike FROM my Th. Class - To stop the
War - Also sign up members in Cafeteria or Outside S.S. or L.C.

In support of other Strikes across the US, in at least 27 Schools.

UPDATES AND REMINDERS on student strike All Over: National Student Strike Against the War AND FROM TODAY - UP TO 27 SCHOOLS IT SAYS - INCLUDING UCLA12:00 Noon Rohnert Park: Student/Community Peace Rally Anti-War Rally Protest East Bay | Anti-War 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Berkeley

Latest list of campuses organizing acrions on Feb. 15 (latest additions at the top):

World Can't Wait | Drive Out the Bush Regime - Student Strike .... Student Strike Against the War Feb. 15 ... February 15th, 2003 marked the largest coordinated anti-war demonstration in human history. ... -

Personal note: I have been going over whether I should miss my class today - Whether I can afford it - Whether it will do any good - But if you do miss a class - Get involved - if not protesting @ your campus - Get involved in a community activities that day - Avoided letting your teacher see you not in class maybe - If need help finding something let me know -
I just feel uncomfortable going class today, while the military use colleges as way to get people into military - I don't have any problem with people going into military - Just not because they cant get into a university any other way. Which is far from true. David Quinley

Ongoing 24 hours a day through th. @ SSU> Rohnert Park: Camp Peace (a camp-in to protest the Iraq war and to call for the immediate removal of all troops)
Sonoma State - Meet at the Clock Tower
12:00 P.M.-5:00 P.M Following a week long sit-in
Fordham University (NYC)

City College of NY
Meet at the NAC/Rotunda
Go to Rally @Columbia at Noon

Columbia University -
Noon at Low Plaza
2:00 P.M. Teach-In at Lerner c555

Georgia State University
10:00 A.M.
@The Courtyard by the Stage

University of North Carolina - Greensboro
Atrium Fountain 11:00 A.M.

Columbia College (Chicago)
8:00 A.M
623 S. Wabash Lobby - Will Go All Day

Lewis & Clark College (Portland, Oregon)
Mills College

Occidental College (LA)

In the main quad

10:00 am to 11:30 pm student group discussions with professors who cancelled normal class
11:30-12:00 Student debates on the Military Commissions Act, Iraq and possible war with Iran
12:00-1:30 Speakers including vets from IVAW and Larry Everest - more speakers tba 1:30-4:30 student group discussions with professors who cancelled normal class
Evening: vigil, documentary showings of the Bush Crimes Commission

San Francisco State - Malcom X Plaza

UC - Berkeley@
11:00 a.m.
Sproul Plaza to be joined by Fremont High and Berkeley High

UC - Santa Barbara

UC Davis - Memorial Union Quad 11 A.M.-2 P.M.

UC Santa Cruz
12:00 P.M.
@Baytree/Quarry Plaza.

Eastern New Mexico University
11:30 am
Campus Union Building

Vanderbilt - Meeting outside the cafeteria at lunchtime and marching to the Community Chapel

Let us know when your campus decides to organize a strike against the war Feb. 15th - email youth_students [at]
Added to the calendar on Thu, Feb 15, 2007 9:20AM
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