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Indybay Feature

On Valentine's Day Tell Nancy Pelosi to Stop Funding War!

Join the Occupation Project - No More Broken Hearts!
Stop the Funding - End the War Now!
CODEPINK Local Groups

February 9, 2007

Bay Area CODEPINK is bringing a message of "Broken Hearts" to Congresswoman Nancy
Pelosi's SF office on Valentine's Day!

RALLY: Join us for a rally outside Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's office at the
Federal Building in SF at 11 am on Wednesday, February 14

OFFICE VISIT: If you want to join the Occupation Project team and attend a scheduled
meeting with Pelosi's staff on Wednesday morning, please email Janet at
weiljs [at]

PLANNING MEETING: Come to our action and Occupation Project campaign planning
meeting this Saturday, Feb. 10, at 3 PM, at 3316 24th St at Mission (next to the
24th Street BART). To rsvp or for more info, email Janet; or just show up. This is
a planning meeting in conjunction with the SF and Alameda County Greens. It's a
wonderful opportunity to meet new allies and bring the Pink Heat to the Speaker's

The first woman (and first Californian) Speaker of the House needs to be persuaded
to act from her heart and vote YES to support HR 508 (The Bring the Troops Home and
Iraqi Sovereignity Restoration Act) and NO on the "special" appropriation for the
war, coming up later this spring.

Despite her rhetoric about the war, the Congresswoman from THE most antiwar,
progressive district in the country has not backed up her words with action. Her
last vote against the war in Iraq was in 2002. We need her to follow the great
example of her sister Californians in the House, Barbara Lee, Lynn Woolsey and
Maxine Waters, and support HR 508!

To urge Pelosi to step up, Bay Area CODEPINK needs YOU to step up! Janet Weil is the
new coordinator of the local Occupation Project. As Congress gets ready to vote on
Bush's new budget proposal, its time to tell our representatives they must vote for
peace and stop funding the war. The Occupation Project, a strategic campaign of
sustained nonviolent civil disobedience to end war funding, is aimed at
congressional representatives to show them what occupation feels like, and the
urgent need to stop it now. The occupations began Monday, February 5th, in 20 cities
and are rapidly spreading around the country. Click here to see pictures and reports
from those actions.

If you can't join us, send a letter, call, or fax Nancy Pelosi to tell her to stop
funding the war.
Click here for a sample letter.

Local Office #: (415) 556-4862
DC Office #: (202) 225-4965

In Solidarity,
Janet and CODEPINK Bay Area

P.S. Don't forget to forward this message!
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