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Indybay Feature

Tell Hornblower: "Have a Heart For Working Families" Valentine's Day Picket

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Event Type:
Waterfront Workers Solidarity Committee
Location Details:
Pier 3 on the Embarcadero; San Francisco, CA
(Just north of Market St.)

Tell Hornblower & Alcatraz Cruises to Have a Heart this Valentine's Day!

Terry MacRae Breaks Union Families' Hearts

February 14th, 2007
Pier 3 on the Embarcadero; San Francisco, CA
(Just north of Market St.)

Join displaced Alcatraz ferry workers and supporters this Valentine's Day down at Pier 3 where we will be telling Hornblower and their CEO Terry MacRae to have a heart and hire the 55 experienced union deckhands who are currently out of work and without health care. Two $160.00 per plate dinner cruises are going out on the bay at 6:00pm and we will be there putting pressure on Hornblower and MacRae.

Bring pots, pans, instruments and other various noisemakers for a theatrical and spirited picket line. We will have valentines available for both the passengers and MacRae telling them to have some love for San Francisco's working families.

Unite with us as we ask Hornblower: "Where's The Love" by bringing your sweetie and/or yourself to the picket line from 4:30-6:30PM. There's no better way to show affection for your special someone than by fighting together for justice on the San Francisco Waterfront !


Update on Our Struggle:

Over the past 6 months members of the IBU and MMP have used many tactics in our efforts to re-secure our jobs on the Alcatraz Ferry service. We've demonstrated, picketed, filed lawsuits, lobbied politicians and gotten ourselves arrested (twice). We've had many small victories including costing the company millions of dollars by forcing them to pay prevailing wages and stalling their expected $5.00 ticket increase. We've built alliances with other unions and community groups and have seen hundreds of supporters attend our weekly Sunday picket lines. Over the past few months we've been joined on the picket line by nearly 10,000 people from the anti-war movement, 8,000 from the labor movement and the hundreds of people who refused to cross our picket line during the Indigenous People's Day sunrise ceremony. Through these acts of solidarity we are building broad based community support for our struggle.

But MacRae still refuses to do what's right!

Starting this Valentine's Day we will be stepping up our efforts to put some real pressure on MacRae, Hornblower and Alcatraz Cruises. We will be expanding our picket line to other locations along the Embacadero beyond Pier 33. We are currently building for more actions, pickets and protests leading up to the busy spring and summer tourist season. We need to let MacRae, Hornblower and the Park Service know that we are not going away until they do the right thing and give these 55 working families their jobs, health care and benefits back!
Added to the calendar on Fri, Feb 9, 2007 10:38AM
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$130.00 donated
in the past month

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