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Indybay Feature

Belgium Volkswagen workers resume strike

by wsws (reposted)
On the evening of Wednesday, January 24, workers at the Volkswagen Forest factory in Brussels resumed their strike.
Workers decided to recommence their strike following a works council meeting held on Wednesday evening, which ended with a demand to management that verbal assurances about the future of the factory be ratified in writing. Up until now the local VW management had inferred that it would be possible to produce an alternative auto model (Audi A1) at the Forest factory, but no definite agreement was made, meaning that the future of the factory remains open. Workers fear that talk of production of a new model is just one more in a string of empty promises made by the factory management and trade unions.

The strike continued over Thursday and Friday with workers blocking the factory gates to prevent blacklegging or materials being removed from the factory. The management has officially chosen to describe the factory as closed due to “technical unemployment.”

Another factory meeting held on Thursday morning confirmed the continuation of the strike. According to the Belga web site, a shop steward for the FGTB trade union, Hedwin De Clercq, declared that talks would be held with the management aimed at reaching an agreement by Monday on the future of the factory.

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by not you
The end of this is predictable. The factory will move the production to Eastern Europe, which is Germany's Mexico.

There isn't any reason to continue to fight dinosaur "unions". Just leave.

Check statistics on how many German and Dutch companies have moved their production to Slovakia, Lithuania, etc.
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