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Female Oaxacan Student kidnapped and tortured for more than 48 hours

by xaam [A]. imc oaxaca. luna [T]
"on the 12 of january 2007, we left my house with two students i didn't know well as recently a friend had introduced us during the march on the 10th of this month, they asked me if i could provide them with accommodation as they had limited resources. the little chance we'd had to talk they said they were coming to carry out a field study for their thesis.
Female Oaxacan Student kidnapped and tortured for more than 48 hours

"On the 12 of january 2007, we left my house with two students i didn't know well as recently a friend had introduced us during the march on the 10th of this month, they asked me if i could provide them with accommodation as they had limited resources. the little chance we'd had to talk they said they were coming to carry out a field study for their thesis.

we got out of my house to have dinner about 2030 or 2100 hrs near the building of the center for higher education in technology and industry (CBTIS) in San Felipe del Agua in Oaxaca City. A white pick up van with missing number plates blocked our way, on it were five people dressed as civilians, three travelled in the driver compartment and two were on the back. said people dressed in blue jeans, black shirts and army style boots, and had army style hair cuts, i suppose they were Ministerial Police from the state of Oaxaca. they asked us where we were coming from. one of my partners answered why were they asking and why was it any of their business. the persons, coming from behind, grabbed our clothes and violently they threw us into the van pointing at us with a hand gun and they laid us down with our hands on the back of our heads. later they told us not to raise our heads or they'd kill us and they said to me, " who told you to get involved in this bollocks? old whore! why are you complaining in all these places? [[¿Quien te manda a andar en estas pendejadas? ¡Vieja puta! ¿Porque se andan quejando en diferentes lugares?" ]]

the truck got on its way, course unknown. i calculated that the trip lasted for about 2 hours, one of my companions raised his head and as a consequence one of the persons stepped on his back, and thereafter on all of ours. during the trip they were telling one of my companions that if he didn't talk and didn't tell them where Miguel was they were going to rape me and so to cut the crap, that we were student agitators, that we were a bunch of traitors and that we were going to tell them where doctor Bertha was.

we arrived to an unknown place where they violently got us off the truck pulling us by our t-shirts. what i could see was a large field, it looked like a village.

they got us into a room and pushed us against the wall, to later make us sit down on chairs. This accion was executed with the use of violence. the room was half empty, there were only chairs, a table, a single sofa from which we could see there was a bathroom. three of the 5 persons layed down a large number of photographs and told me to say who they were and where they were, to tell them who they were or they were going to go to my house and kill my brothers and sisters, they were even going to rape them. one of the persons got out a video camera and when he was going to start recording told us that hw knew many people that had participated on the 25th of november.

one of them told me i was a whore, he pulled me from my t-shirt again. i told them not to hurt me as i was pregnant ad one of them agresively told me that i'd get that out for being a whore. the one that was interrogating me got out his weapon, a gun and put it over the table, he asked me about Miguel again and they left me sitting down for a long while. the same guy took one of my companions by the arm, sat him down and made the same question to him. where is Miguel and Doctor Bertha? " Fucking swines" they took him by his hair and violently they raised his face and hit him with the butt of the gun in the eye brow. they said: that was good and the three of them left the room. i calculate that it was almost three in the morning, when they left us alone, they tied our hands and sat me in the middle of my companions.

already dawning the same persons arrived asking if we were hungry, none of us answered and one of them said to us: go and tell flavio sosa to feed you. one of my companions said that he wanted to go to the toilet to which they answered that they ddnt mind if he pissed himself on his underware. afterwards they pushed us a can of food, and some plates but when we looked we realised that it was dog food and they said: right now, eat it, this is how you want to eat, fucking communists. they pulled me from my arm again, asking me for Miguel and Bertha. they interrogated me more and were telling me that indeed right now they were going to refresh my memory. the tied my hands and they took us one by one to the toilet, keeping us company they didn't give us food nor water. among themselves they asked each other waht they were going to do with us, that they were going to eat a nice pizza. the same guy who interrogated me the day before, asked me very corteously whether i was going to talk or not, to which i answered that i didn't know anything and that i didn't know anyone in the photographs that he had showed me, and then he hit me against the wall.

Already by night the same persons brought us out of the house, got us again on the pick up truck and took us in an unknown direction while they talked over a mobile phone. i more or less calculate about another two more hours long trip. they got us out of the truck and we had to walk without looking back. they told us that if either any of us turned our heads back or the first one to start running they would shoot us.

we walked and we came across a liquor store where i asked the woman if she could lend me her telephone to make a call and i told her all that had happened. i asked her where we were and she informed me that we were in the Microondas colony, near the Estrella colony. i talked to my mum and i told her everything, because she didn't know know what had happened to me. the woman told me to please go away because she didn't want any trouble. she told us to keep walking straight and that we'd come across a social security hospital ( ISSTE ), and i told her to lend me her phone again to tell my mum to wait for us there and we began the long walk following the directions we received, until we met my mother, to whom i told everything that happened and i asked her what time it was to find out it was 3:30 in the morning of the 14th of january 2007. my mother took us to my home with my companions. When we arrived at the house i went to the bathroom and i realised that i bled, so i imagined i had a warning of an abortion, and therefore i didn't manage to sleep for the rest of the early morning. already about 08:00 in the morning , my companions went back to their original place of residence, at this time i went to see a doctor who indeed confirmed to me that the bleeding corresponded to an abortion threat over the month and a half gestation i had, and that it was the result and consequence of the blows i received from my attackers"


estudiante oaxaqueña secuestrada y torturada por más de 48 hrs
posteado por xaam en ene 21, 2007 [23:57]

* "El día 12 de enero de 2007, salimos de mi casa con dos estudiantes queconocía muy bien debido a que recientemente el día de la marcha celebrada el 10 del presente mes, me los presentó una amiga, ellos me solicitaron que les otorgue hospedaje ya que sus recurso eran limitados. De lo poco que pudimos platicar es que ellos venían a hacer un estudio de campo para su tesis.

Salimos de mi casa para cenar como a las 20:30 o 21:00 horas cerca de las instalaciones del CBTIS de San Felipe del Agua en la ciudad de Oaxaca. Nos cerró el paso una camioneta blanca sin placas en la que venían a bordo cinco personas vestidas de civiles, tres de ellos viajaban en la cabina y los otros dos en la parte trasera. Dichos sujetos vestían pantalones de mezclilla, camisas de color negro y botas de tipo militar, con corte de cabello tipo militar, supongo que eran policías ministeriales del estado. Nos preguntaron de donde veníamos. Uno de mis acompañantes les respondió que porque nos lo preguntaban y si es que les importaban. Los sujetos nos agarraron de nuestras ropas por la espalda y nos subieron violentamente a la camioneta, nos encañonaron con una pistola y nos acostaron boca abajo con las manos en la nuca. Posteriormente nos dijeron que levantáramos la cara o que nos iban a matar, a mi me dijeron "¿Quien te manda a andar en estas pendejadas? ¡Vieja puta! ¿Porque se andan quejando en diferentes lugares?"

La camioneta inició su marcha con rumbo desconocido, calculo que fueron aproximadamente dos horas las que duro el viaje, uno de mis acompañantes levantó la cara y como consecuencia uno de los sujetos lo pisó en la espalda ropiciando un trato igual para nosotros. Durante el transcurso les decían a uno de mis acompañantes que si no hablaba y no les decía en donde estaba Miguel me iban a violar a mi y que dejara de chingaderas, que éramos estudiantes agitadores, que estábamos ilatando, que éramos una bola de traidores y que les íbamos a decir en donde estaba la doctora Bertha.

Llegamos a un lugar desconocido donde nos bajaron violentamente de la camioneta jalándonos de nuestras playeras. Lo que pude ver es que había un campo grande, parecía un pueblo.

Nos metieron a un cuarto y nos empujaron hacia la pared, para después sentarnos en sillas, acción que se ejecutó violentamente. El cuarto se encontraba medio vació, solo había sillas, una mesa y un sillón del cual pudimos observar que había un baño. Tres de los cinco sujetos expusieron en la mesa una cantidad considerable de fotografíasy me dijeron de decir quienes eran ellos y en donde estaban, que les digeríamos quienes eran o iban a ir a mi casa matar a mis hermanos y a mis hermanas, incluso que las iban a violar. Uno de los sujetos sacó una cámara de video, cuando iba a empezar a grabar nos dijo que conocían a muchas personas que habían participado el 25 de noviembre.

Uno de ellos me dijo que era una puta, me jaló de la playera nuevamente. Yo les dije que no me hicieran daño por que estaba embarazada y uno de ellos me dijo agresivamente que eso lo sacaba por puta. **El que me interrogaba sacó su arma, una pistola, y la colocó en la mesa, me preguntó nuevamente por Miguel, y me dejaron sentada un buen rato. El mismo sujeto tomó del brazo a uno de mis acompañantes, lo sentó en la silla y le hizo la misma pregunta "¿Dónde esta Miguel y la Doctora Bertha? ¡Pinches cerdos!" Lo tomaron de los cabellos y con violencia le levantaron la cara y le pegaron con la cacha de la pistola en la ceja. Dijeron, "¡Ya estuvo bueno!" y se salieron los tres del cuarto. Yo calculo que eran casi las tres de la mañana, al dejarnos solos nos amarraron de las manos y me sentaron en medio de mis acompañantes.

Ya amaneciendo llegaron los mismos sujetos preguntándonos que si teníamos hambre, ninguno de nosotros respondió y uno de ellos nos dijo: "Vayan y díganle a Flavio Sosa que les de de comer." Uno de mis acompañantes les dijo que quería ir al baño a lo cual le respondieron que no les importaba que se meara en los calzones. Después nos aventaron una lata de comida y unos platos, pero cuando vimos nos dimos cuenta que era comida para perros, y nos dijeron, "Ahora si tráguenselo, así es como quieren comer, pinches comunistas." Me jalaron nuevamente del brazo preguntándome por Miguel y por Bertha, a mi me interrogaban más y me decían que ahora si me iban a refrescar la memoria. Me volvieron a amarrar las manos y nos llevaron uno por uno al baño, acompañándonos, no nos dieron ni comida ni agua. Entre ellos se decían que qué iban a hacer con nosotros, que iban a comer una rica pizza. El mismo individuo que me había interrogado el día anterior me pregunto muy amablemente que si ya iba a hablar o no, a lo que respondí que no sabía nada y que no conocía a nadie de las fotos que me había presentado, entonces me azotó contra la pared.

Ya por la noche nos sacaron de la casa los mismos cinco sujetos, nos subieron nuevamente a la camioneta y nos llevaron con rumbo desconocido mientras hablaban por teléfono celular. Calculo más o menos como otras dos horas de viaje. Nos bajaron de la camioneta y teníamos que caminar sin voltear. Nos dijeron que si volteaba alguno de nosotros y que el primero que corriera nos iban a meter unos plomazos.

Caminamos y encontramos un depósito de licores donde yo le pregunte a la señora que si me podía prestar su teléfono para hacer una llamada y le conté todo lo sucedido. Le pregunté en donde estábamos y me informó que estábamos en la Colonia Microondas cerca de la Colonia Estrella. Le hablé a mi mamá y le conté todo, por que ella no sabía nada de mi. La
señora me dijo que por favor nos retiráramos de ahí por que ella no quería problemas. Nos dijo que camináramos todo derecho y que ahí íbamos a encontrar el hospital del ISSTE, yo le dije que me prestará nuevamente el teléfono para avisarle a mi mamá que ahí nos esperara y emprendimos la caminata con las indicaciones recibidas, hasta que nos encontramos con mi madre, a quien le relate todo lo sucedido y le pregunte a que horas eran para enterarme que eran las 03:30 horas de la mañana del día 14 de enero de 2007. Mi madre nos llevo a mi domicilio con mis acompañantes. Al arribar a la casa entre al baño y me percate de que tenía sangrado, por lo que me imaginé que era una amenaza de aborto, por lo cual no pude conciliar el sueño por el resto de la madrugada. Ya siendo las 08:00 horas de la mañana, mis acompañantes se regresaron a su lugar de origen. A esa hora acudí a una consulta con un médico que efectivamente me confirmo que el sangrado correspondía a una amenaza de aborto del mes y medio de gestación que tenía, que ello fue resultado y consecuencia de los golpes recibidos por mis
agresores." *
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