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Indybay Feature
Trash Orchestra Recruitment & Practice
Sunday, January 14, 2007
3:00 PM
6:00 PM
Event Type:
Santa Cruz Trash Orchestra
Location Details:
Directions: River street garage is next to Wells Fargo. We're on the 3rd or 2nd story, rain or shine.
F i g h t t y r
a n n y ! R e s i s t o p p r e s s i o n ! S e e t h e w o r
l d ! J o i n . . .
Sunday Jan 14th and 21st 3pm
And Every Sunday Afternoon thereafter
River St Parking Garage, Santa Cruz
We are a marching percussion band – a bone-shaking
recycled orchestra – a superhero sonic force of
resistance to be reckoned with, and we need you!

We make percussion on tuned cans, hubcaps and barrels,
drums, pieces of sheet metal, and homemade oddities.
If you are full of rebellious insolence and music in your
heart, we need you to be part of the band. Bring your
courage, your passion, your righteous anger. Bring your
instruments, recycled or otherwise.
Sunday Jan 14th and 21st 3pm
And Every Sunday Afternoon thereafter
River St Parking Garage, Santa Cruz
story in
good weather, 2nd story in inclement weather)
Bring gloves and warm clothes and
your trash instruments. After a
little warm up, we'll be marching to the plaza in front of O'Neil's for
a more public performance. So if you're late, that's where we'll be.
Though try to be there on time.
We are a marching percussion band – a bone-shaking
recycled orchestra – a superhero sonic force of
resistance to be reckoned with, and we need you!

We make percussion on tuned cans, hubcaps and barrels,
drums, pieces of sheet metal, and homemade oddities.
If you are full of rebellious insolence and music in your
heart, we need you to be part of the band. Bring your
courage, your passion, your righteous anger. Bring your
instruments, recycled or otherwise.
River street garage is next to Wells Fargo. We're on the
3rd or 2nd story, rain or shine. Not only will we be
using an underutilized space, but we will be challenging the city's
Draconian 15-min parking lot panic law. A good practice location for a
band of
rebellious revolutionary noise makers.
We'll be working on more whistleblowing (or silent) leadership skills, starting rhythms, marching formation, things to talk about at the performance, recruiting, and getting an audience involved. No previous musicianship necessary, though if you regularly find yourself tapping out rhythms to good music, you'll dig this.
We'll be working on more whistleblowing (or silent) leadership skills, starting rhythms, marching formation, things to talk about at the performance, recruiting, and getting an audience involved. No previous musicianship necessary, though if you regularly find yourself tapping out rhythms to good music, you'll dig this.
For more information:
Added to the calendar on Sat, Jan 13, 2007 12:47AM
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