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Indybay Feature

San Francisco Redevelopment Agency to ask Lennar BVHP LLC to shut down operaions

by Francisco Da Costa
San Francisco Redevelopment Agency(SFRA) Commission will shut down the Lennar operations on Parcel A. The SFRA Commission heard the constituents from Bayview Hunters Point and the elevated amounts of asbestos dust that have adversely affected innocent constituents in and around Parcel A. In one case a school that was not informed about the hazardous material - with NO safety and health precautions in place.
November 21, 2006 the San Francisco Redevelopment Commission met in Room 416 at 4 p.m. at City Hall.

The San Francisco Redevelopment Commission heard a number of constituents from Bayview Hunters Point and the adverse impacts they have suffered from elavated amounts of asbestos dust.

In one case with children and parents present a school that was NOT informed about the hazardous material and constantly bombarded by asbestos dust that has adversely impacted innocent children and adults.

The San Francisco Redevelopment Agency (SFRA) has known about this hazard for a long time - but has chosen NOT to carefully evaluate and bring about solutions.

San Francisco Health Department and Dr. Rajiv Bhatia should assume full reponsibility for the harm done to the constituents that have come in contact with Asbestos Dust.

It is too late now but the SFRA bears the consequences of this action that has already taken a heavy toll on the health of some of the children.

It is simply, totally wrong to harm our children and as I said SFRA bears the total responsibility for this negligance. Heading the list Marcia Rosen of the SFRA and Dr. Rajiv Bhatia.

All the SFRA Commissioners were in favor of closing down the Lennar operation on Parcel A as soon as possible.

Lennar has received a number of Notice of Violations (NOV) from the local and State regulatory agencies. How ever Lennar continued to harm the constituents with intent. This nonsense must stop at once.

Even the U.S. Navy served the SFRA with a Notice of Violation - 5 times.

Marcia Rosen who has worked behind the scences to help Lennar BVHP LLC has now finally come to some understanding that she cannot play with fire.

Marcia Rosen has bent back wards to help Lennar and even yesterday prior to the hearing on the asbestos - approved huge sums of money that Lennar BVHP LLC begs from the SFRA - and which it receivies without any justification.

Lennar BVHP LLC has a track record of harming innocent people by building homes on toxic hot spots, brown fields, and by capping land that is very toxic and pretending that all will be well.

No one in their right mind should buy a home on Parcel A. All those that do will die a slow death from the pollution and more from the radiological elements that surround Parcel A.

No one is talking about the Cumalative Pollution.

San Francisco has the Precautionary Principle but fails to use it in this case.

We simply cannot slowly KILL our children and look the other way. Where is Mayor Gavin Newsom on this one?

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
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