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Indybay Feature

Nov 15 - Eating Locally, Thinking Globally - Food Justice Panel at New College

by Jon Garfield
An evening of education and action addressing global, national and local food justice… Wednesday, November 15, 7-9pm, New College Cultural Center, 766 Valencia Street, SF - FREE.

Eating Locally, Thinking Globally:

An evening of education and action addressing global, national and local food justice…

Wednesday, November 15, 7-9pm
New College Cultural Center
766 Valencia Street, SF

Join food experts, advocates and city supervisors for a forum about transforming our food system for a sustainable, healthy future.


* San Francisco Supervisors Sophie Maxwell and Ross Mirkarimi
* Eric Holt-Gimenez, Food First Executive Director
* Christopher D. Cook, author of Diet for a Dead Planet
* Speakers from Literacy for Environmental Justice and San Francisco Food Systems

Admission is FREE.

Sponsored by New College Center for Education and Social Action, and Food First (The Institute for Food and Development Policy).

For more information, contact Jon Garfield, 415-437-3425 or jon [at]
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