Santa Cruz IMC
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Indybay Feature

Benefit for political prisoner Andy Stepanian (11/16)

by someone
Thursday November 16th:
Benefit for political prisoner Andy Stepanian
*Blackbird RAUM
*For The Fucking Kids
+ a vegan bake sale
+ prisoner letter writing
+ informational tables
and more...
6:00PM @ the Kresge Co-op on UCSC
Thursday November 16th
A benefit for political prisoner Andy Stepanian

Blackbird Raum (anarchist, sing-a-long jug band) - their first show in forever! a new line-up thats ready to kill. Don't miss it.

For The Fucking Kids (passionate acoustic pop-punk) - come feel the energy of youth liberation in its most charming form. Damn he's a cutie.

- a VEGAN bake sale to help raise money for Andy S.
- There will also be prisoner letter writing going on.
- Tons of radical literature (magazines, journals, zines, books, propaganda, stickers, etc.) will be readily available.
- A short discussion and/or speech regarding Andy Stepanian's case, and where the money raised in the benefit will go towards.

We are asking that people consider a $5-$20 donation in order to raise sufficient funds for Andy Stepanian.
Keep in mind, no one will be turned away for lack of funds, so please do come even if you have no money -- it's no big deal.

meet @ the Kresge Co-op on UCSC @ 6:00PM.

*remember that unless you have a valid student ID, you will be turned away at the entrance to campus after 8:00PM, so arrive before then.

another magical night in Santa Cruz... see you there
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by ...
This is gonna be amazing.
Raum's first show in like a year, with a new (improved) line-up, and w/ new songs.
For The Fucking Kids is the most awesome, catchy music my ears have heard in this ugly world.

And of course, the SHAC 7 prisoner Andy Stepanian deserves all the support we can give him while he suffer an absurd, unjust incarceration. If you haven't read about the SHAC 7 case yet, do it. It's depressing.

We need more events like this!
by Bloody Jelly
For The Fucking Kids and Raum!

fucking epic.

can't wait to hear Raum's new songs!
by GhostFaceK
If I can guess who's doing the bake sale, our taste buds should be in for a treat!

Kudos to all the lovely people who set up this night of prisoner support.

Solidarity comrades!
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$40.00 donated
in the past month

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