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Indybay Feature

The District 6 Victory: Whose City? OUR CITY!

by Ken Werner, Beyond Chron (reposted)
Last Tuesday night District 6 and other supporters of Supervisor Chris Daly celebrated a sweet victory at local hot spot DNA Lounge at 375 11th Street. On the final day of campaigning, approximately 500 volunteers eventually swarmed over District 6 to reach voters to support the reelection of the Defender of the Disenfranchised. The last phone calls to voters were made at 7:58 p.m. to remind them to vote, and volunteers slowly filtered back to campaign headquarters in the heart of the Mission after 8:00 p.m. By the time I reached DNA, there were already around 100 volunteers and the incumbent’s family partying after a bitter and tiring campaign. We gained sustenance from pizza, lumpia, and egg rolls and quenched our thirst from an open bar.
A week later, the election over with Chris Daly’s resounding defeat of would-be pretender for District 6 Rob Black with 50.221% of the vote, the negative spin continues. The Chronicle’s gossip columnists Matier and Ross are virtually speechless about the victory but continue their one-paragraph harp on Sarah Low Daly’s use of the F word at the victory party. They’re joined by propagandist Pat Murphy, whose misdirected San Francisco Sentinel during the campaign will surely lead to fewer readers. Even the New York Times’ Jesse McKinley failed to report the story behind the story, focusing instead as if San Franciscans walk to a different drummer; we’re human, like everyone else on the planet.

Campaign organizer Bill Barnes opened the victory speeches as he related the story of his conversation with Sarah Low Daly on being pictured on 30 billboards throughout District 6 and the surrounding area and the 380 hand-made sandwiches Sarah and her mother-in-law, Gloria Daly, made for the volunteers. Chris’ dad, Jack, who described himself as the go-fer for the campaign, was also present for the festivities. (Jack and Gloria traveled from Virginia to help their son and voted absentee three weeks before the election.)

§Election Day Full of Victories for Youth
by Peter Lauterborn, Beyond Chron (reposted)
At around 2:00 A.M. on November 8th, I left the DNA Lounge and headed home, mentally and physically exhausted. I came into my apartment -- with its floor littered with campaign literature, voter guides, and a handful of green Mardi Gras beads. I sat down at my chair and exhaled. This election was a massive victory for young people in San Francisco, around California, and across the country.

The most obvious victory, of course, was the Democratic takeover of both houses of the United States Congress. Our nation shifted from a legislative branch keen on gutting education to one dedicated towards funding K-12 schools and providing financial assistance to those seeking higher education. We shifted focus from maintaining regressive tax policies to making those who benefit most from our country pay their fair share. And we’ve shifted from a government willing to see our youth die in Iraq to one that will in some way change the course.

Notable too was the participation of youth, who came out to vote in the highest numbers in twenty years. The emergence of youth as a mobilized political force could mean a change in the way that candidates and political parties engage with under-30 voters.

On the state level, the bag was mixed. Arnold Schwarzenegger predictably won in a landslide, which forces young people to hope that his wannabe moderate, pro-education mantra is anywhere close to reality. Also disappointing was the loss of Proposition 86, which would have given health insurance to over 800,000 kids who right now are on their own.

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