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Indybay Feature

All Out for October 28!

by Bill Hackwell
As more and more people die in Iraq the U.S. threatens to open a new pre emptive war on the Korean Peninsula.
Momentum for Oct. 28 Protests Grows From New War Danger

Demonstrations planned in Chicago, New York, Miami, Los Angeles, Seattle, Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, S.F. & more
Activists Call for;

End the War in Iraq! No New War On Korea!

On Saturday October 28 anti war protestors from all over Northern California will be marching down San Francisco’s Market Street to say no to war and occupation. The recent death toll report from the John Hopkins School of Public Health that 655,000 Iraqis have died from the war comes at a time when the war and conditions in Iraq are dramatically getting worse. U.S. casualties in October are approaching record levels. Total U.S. casualties – killed, wounded or evacuated from Iraq due to serious injury or illness -- total more than 41,000. The war is now costing more than $270 million per day, an astounding $3,400 per second.

Meanwhile the Bush administration's policies are now threatening a new war on the Korean Peninsula. While we join with people everywhere in seeking to end the scourge of nuclear weapons once and for all, we recognize that North Korea is not a "threat." This is an example of U.S. war propaganda. It is the U.S. government that has detonated 1,232 nuclear bombs since 1945. Two whole cities -- Hiroshima and Nagasaki -- were incinerated by U.S. atomic weapons. The U.S. possesses 16,000 nuclear weapons today and is endlessly carrying out mock invasions and mock bombing campaigns of North Korea. Having been cast as part of the "Axis of Evil," North Korea has felt compelled to resume a nuclear program that it had earlier frozen.

The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition has initiated a call for locally coordinated protests on Saturday, October 28; throughout the Country just days before the charade of the mid term election takes place. The only real way that people in the U.S. can bring the issue of the Iraq war onto the U.S. political stage is by taking it to the streets. To interview an anti-war organizer or for more information, call 415-269-7917, or 415-821-6545.

Here in San Francisco:
(Market St. between 7th and 8th) MARCH Through Downtown S.F. to Follow

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by RanDomino
usually ANSWER likes to advertise their protests well ahead of time- I find it interesting that this is happening right after international Oaxaca solidarity displays are announced.
by luci
answer always does one last big protest before the winter gets going. And, I first heard about it at Power to the Peaceful in early September. Or maybe at the Lebanon demo.

yes they are bad
but they already had this planned
US Iraq war vets to speak at Shannon

A demonstration against the presence of the US military at Shannon airport will be held on Saturday, 28 October. This will be a protest and rally against the misuse of an Irish civilian airport and in solidarity with those who have suffered at the hands of the US war machine.

Several US Iraq War vets are expected to travel from the United States to participate in the demonstration, which will be the first at the airport this year. Among those expected to come to Shannon to register their objection to the presence of the US war machine will be Joshua Castell, a former US army interrogator at Abu Ghraib.

We want this to be a colourful and imaginative protest, so please bring homemade banners, placards and other symbols of your opposition to the so-called US 'war on terror'.

It is important that people travel for this protest and make their voices heard. Please attend and bring your kids, friends, grandmother and/or dog!

When: 2pm, Saturday, 28 October

Where: Assemble at Lidl's in Shannon town centre.

Organised by Anti-War Ireland
Related Link:
by Zzzzzzzzzz
Why do you march in lockstop with the WWP creeps from ANSWER? They are not interested in you. They are interested in pushing the WWP agenda.

They are also the lamest organization around. They co-opt everyone else, take over every event, take credit for everything, and generally, accomplish absolutely nothing.

We've had six years of ANSWER's "mass" protests. Nothing has changed. No one is listening to them. The middle class has zero interest in anything ANSWER sponsors. Noticed?

You need to get out more. Dump the commies and convince the middle class to support you. If you have ANSWER stinking the place up, the middle class will not listen.

No change comes in America without the consent of the middle class.
by anarchist
A.N.S.W.E.R. is not a front group for WWP it's a front group for Party for Socialism and Liberation
by dan
This marching thing is old news, nothing changes except the shrinking size of the marches, and as i watched from Market Street some shoppers and tourist stopped to glanced then went about their business of buying things, These marches and rallies in the last 3 years has done nothing to change anything, you see the same old insider slogans of "Stop Bush" or "Impeach Bush" and a bunch of geeks selling Socialist newspapers.

The tide of opinion against the war has everything to do with the incompetence of the U.S. Government and a spoiled middle class that does not like being on the losing end of war, regardless if the Neocons lied about the pretext or not.
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