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Indybay Feature

Last Night Parade

by an unapologetic marcher & merrymaker (info [at]
Are we having a New Year's Parade or are we gong to wait for some civil authority to hand it to us pre-digested?
Here it is October already. Are we going to do a DIY New Year's parade this year?

I marched int he parade last year and it was a total blast. It was moving to see so many people come out to make somethign together that was not given to us by any government or city administration. We did it ourselves and that felt better than 125 thousand bucks (the cost of the ho-hum city sponsored event).

Is it going to happen this year? As I understand it, it is something taht no one runs or administrates or manages. So I guess we better start calling meetings or whatever cooperation it takes to put it on soon.

Here's the (un-updated) Last Night DIY website:

Maybe send an email to the last night diy address. A lot of us are still on the Last Night email list. I'd be willing to help "unorganize" the parade with other people.

Any ideas?
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by Rico
No meetings have been scheduled so far, but feel free to call them. I'll go. I don't want to take anything like a lead-unorganizer role as the point is that it is a DIY event. Everyone should be leaders of their own desires and destinies.

As long as the focus remains on an event that the community itself makes happen and taking an uncompromising stance on eshewing permission, permits, and negotiation, I'm down with it. I'll be happy to promote or spread the word about any Last Night activities, meetings, planning councils, brainstorms, and outreach events.

In fact, I'd even be happy to talk to the Free Skool people to see if they'd be willing to host their Resisting the Police State/Know Your Rights workshop for Last Night folk.

I'll put in a word here for open meetings. In spite of the ridiculous undercover spy operation on the Last Night parade last year, I'm still in favor of open meetins for this sort of thing. I think it is a great way to get people excited about a community event.

There is a lastnightdiy email list that you can sign up for from this page:

See you in the streets,
by webnabber
photo by Bradley
by webnabber
photo by Bradley
by webnabber
by webnabber
by webnabber
by webnabber
by webnabber
by lori
well, it didn't change my life but it made it alot better. i had a great time at the planning meetings and got to meet people in my community i wouldn't have necessarily got to. i was also new in town so, it catapulted me into the loop.

i hope you have another last night this year.

i've since moved to sf but would love to help out any way i can.
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