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Indybay Feature

Racism and Cheap Thrills at the University of Texas Law School

by Counterpunch (reposted)
When one of the first-year University of Texas law students who participated in a "ghetto fabulous" party posted pictures on the web, we saw the ugly face of white privilege and the racism in which it is rooted. But the depth of the problem of white supremacy at the university -- and in mainstream institutions more generally -- is also evident in the polite way in which the university administration chastised the students.

While the thoughtless actions of young adults acting out the racism of the culture are disturbing, the thoughtful -- but depoliticized -- response from the law school is distressing. The actions of both groups in this affair are a painful reminder of the depth of white society's commitment to white supremacy.

This controversy is not unique to UT. It seems that every year students at a prestigious university -- the University of Chicago last year, Cornell in 2004, and Texas A&M in 2003 -- hold one of these parties, in which white students revel in what they believe to be the appearance and behavior of the black and brown people of the "ghetto."

The student from the UT party who posted the photos has taken them off the web, but news reports describe a party in which the students "carried 40-ounce bottles of malt liquor and wore Afro wigs, necklaces with large medallions and name tags bearing historically black and Hispanic names." No one involved has contested the characterization of the event.

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