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Indybay Feature

A Progressive's View of Phil Angelides

by Don Tosaw
He may not be glamorous, but when it comes to what really matters, Phil Angelides will make a much better governor than the Carl Rove operative currently holding that position.

When it comes to what really matters to most Californians; taxes, jobs, health care, education, the minimum wage, the state budget, the environment and California's influence on the Nation and the rest of the world, Phil Angelides will be a much better governor than the delusional actor currently playing the part. To read more about what Phil plans to do as governor, visit

Sure Arnold has been signing some decent legislation of late, but that is just so he can win his first regular election and have 4 MORE YEARS to reward all his special interest contributors and have a shot at getting a constitutional Amendment passed so he can run for President! DON'T BE FOOLED! Underneath the facade, Arnold is still the politically ambitious, delusional right-winger that we saw in 2005. If he gets reelected, he will continue to look out for his big, special interest contributors and the rest of us will pay the price. He will also provide Carl Rove and the Republicans with yet another opportunity to turn California into a red state.

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