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Indybay Feature

San Francisco Seeks Reentry for Returning California Prisoners

by Beyond Chron (reposted)
SAN FRANCISCO – In the wake of the recent special session of the California legislature to consider new bills to reduce a prison population on the verge of crisis, San Francisco civic leaders are holding a summit to educate community and government stakeholders and the public about the challenges facing ex-offenders returning to society after incarceration. Today, the San Francisco Safe Communities Reentry Council will hold its first Reentry Summit at the Milton Marks Conference Center in the State Building, hosting more than 25 panelists who will discuss the needs of the formerly incarcerated, and proven methods to respond to currently inadequate reentry planning.
The San Francisco Safe Communities Reentry Council is a collaborative association under the joint leadership of San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi and San Francisco District Five Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi. SCRC members include representatives from the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department, the San Francisco Public Defender, the California Parole Board, Assemblyman Mark Leno’s office, and San Francisco community and faith-based organizations. The goal of the SCRC is to implement policies and programs that reduce recidivism and facilitate successful reentry into society for probationers and parolees returning to San Francisco communities.

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