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School's back and so is the smell: Marijuana in the bathroom

That sickly sweet, disgustingly heavy and intoxicating scent that makes me want to run to the Nurse's office for my inhaler every time it passes beneath my nose.
School's back and so is the smell: Marijuana in the bathroom

By Marisa Low, North Middlesex Regional , High School Senior

Editor's Note: This is one in an ongoing series of columns written by local high-school seniors, High-School Confidential, that run in our Saturday and Monday editions.

The past few weeks have been just lovely while they lasted.

Clean and waxed floors, fresh air, a distinct absence of flies or other pests have made my school experience a hundred times more enjoyable.

Of course, every honeymoon must come to an end. I was hoping -- in the darkest recesses of my heart -- that perhaps I wouldn't have to smell it this year.

I clung to the forlorn hope that maybe, just maybe Principal Manley's speech at the beginning of the year had some effect on those select individuals.

This was not to be.

I sat, perfectly happy and content in my Spanish class, reciting adjectives back to my teacher when I smelled it.

That sickly sweet, disgustingly heavy and intoxicating scent that makes me want to run to the Nurse's office for my inhaler every time it passes beneath my nose.

Pot. Marijuana. Mary--Jane. I can't understand those people who feel the urge to light up any of the aforementioned drugs in the school bathrooms. I can't understand anyone who does drugs, for that matter. These addicts are different from most others.


They're the only ones whose drug habits affect those around them.

If you drink alcohol, there's only a smell. If you shoot up, it's in your bloodstream -- not mine.

If you smoke, there's a chance someone will start to have trouble breathing.

There have been times in previous years when I've had to run for the Nurse's Office for my inhaler because a smoker's joint triggered an asthma attack.

I don't care what you do in your life. Want to smoke your life away? Go ahead. Feel like lighting up legal or illegal substances outside? Be my guest. I'm not a police officer or your mother: I can't -- and don't want to -- tell you how to live your life outside of school.

However, the minute you step inside the school you must change.

It's a felony to have drugs inside the school. It's a crime to smoke in the bathrooms or anywhere on school property.

The second your drugs begin wafting into my classroom is the second you loose your right to privacy.

I don't need nor want to rant on the dangers of second--hand smoke. I don't want to beat you over the head with the endless tirade about smoking. I don't want to do any of that.

I just want someone, maybe even the girl or boy who lit up in the freshman--hall bathroom during my Spanish class to stop and think, 'Can I get through a school day without inhaling smoke?

Can I live for seven hours without my drug of choice?' The answer should be a 'Yes', without any hesitation whatsoever.

Don't think you can do it?

Try planning for the future. If you smoke on the job in a 'substance--free' zone, you won't get a detention or suspension. You won't be sent home with a letter for your parents.

You'll be fired.

Please visit our High School Confidential blog at and let us know what you thought of Marisa's column.

PS: Please browse and join my marijuana news newsgroup for the latest news regarding medical marijuana, marijuana law reform, and more at

Comment and offer your views on the news at:

SUPPORT and as they battle for our rights. From one dollar donated to thousands of dollars donated, it all goes to reforming the current laws for marijuana, both medicinally and recreationally.

Peace, love and tolerance.


by Sane Student
Reading your article, I am appalled and dismayed; not only by your lack of writing ability, but also by your fraudulent attack on our school. You claim that you care for North Middlesex, yet you make exaggerations and outright lies about its student body. Like you, I have attended North Middlesex for 3 years. Unlike you, I haven't noticed marijuana smoke in the bathroom, or anywhere on school property. This is not because I am naive or ignorant; it is because marijuana is not a problem at our school. And, even if it was, recent studies have shown that asthma attacks can be alleviated with the use of marijuana. If you suffer from asthma, as you have claimed, “Mary-Jane”, as you call it, would have the adverse effect of what you have described. Moreover, yes, there have been incidents of alcohol consumption and cigarette smoke and the administration has dealt with it in an effective manner. The truth is, most students I encounter do not do drugs on school property. In addition, I most certainly have not seen anyone shoot up while in school. When you make things up to sell your opinion, you are not only defacing the school you claim to love, but also degrading and embarrassing yourself. What is your purpose? It isn't to make the school a better place? It isn't to depict our school in an accurate light? No. You're using our school as a scapegoat and the Sentinel as a soapbox for your opinions, and maybe if they were based in anything remotely true, people would care. You need to start thinking and writing in the real world, where people aren't praised for duplicity.
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