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Indybay Feature

Raging Grannies Evicted for Singing on Streets (Grandparents Day Action)

by K. Kinoshita/R. Robertson (info [at]
Raging Grannies in the heart of Silicon Valley were evicted from streets in San Jose for singing anti-war songs on Grandparents Day, Sept 10. Our appearance was part of a National Grandparents for Peace Action endorsed by Yoko Ono and centered in NYC. The local Grannies are in an ongoing battle with the owners of the tony shopping area "Santana Row" built on streets that are used as public spaces. The press including FOX affiliate KTVU (San Francisco), Metro Silicon Valley, and the Chinese World Journal have been following our story...
Earlier coverage of our performances at Santana Row, shopping streets dedicated to Gucci style haute couture (ugh) and sidewalk cafes perfect for Grannies serenading shoppers with our message of peace:
§Security cop
by K. Kinoshita/R. Robertson
Grannies gathered around a charming, yet flummoxed, private security person. He explained that Santana Row, although in appearance a collection of public streets, is a owned by a privately held corporation. We pretended it was the first time we'd heard that line. He warned us that we were in danger of arrest by San Jose Police, who did indeed show up about 10 minutes later on very HUGE horses, but we were headed to bus stops and our hybrid cars for the trips home at that point. Plus, some of us are scared of very large animals.
§maybe they didn't like our signs?
by K. Kinoshita/R. Robertson
Signs included: "9/11: A Day of Mourning and Reflection, Not Hate"
§Who Doesn't Love Babies?
by K. Kinoshita/R. Robertson
Another sign: "No One's Grandchild Should be Killed in a War"
§Maybe they didn't like our dancing?
by K. Kinoshita/R. Robertson
Grannies joined strolling mariachis and shopped for produce at the farmer's market being held on the Row.
§Interview with Chinese Daily
by K. Kinoshita/R. Robertson
Granny Shirley interviews with the World Journal, a Chinese Daily following the story
§Interview #2
by K. Kinoshita/R. Robertson
Granny Gail holds a sign and answers questions about the anniversary of 9/11 for reporter from the World Journal
§Grannies have a small goal...
by K. Kinoshita/R. Robertson
We just want to save the world.
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by ZZZZZzzz
Isn't it just a SHAME that you can't trespass on private property. There's a reason people go to places like Santana and Bay St to shop. We don't have to be bothered by idiots like this.

No "homeless" vagrants, "urban youth" packs, or pandhandlers.
by informed
The California Supreme Court reversed, holding that the California Constitution protects speech and petitioning, reasonably exercised, in shopping centers even when the center is privately owned, and that such result does not infringe appellants' property rights protected by the Federal Constitution.
by Jenny Heinz
I think you all look just great- They, on the other hand, are outrageous! we were almost arrested yesterday sitting with the Buddhist Group - and one of us was . that's what exercising your first amendment right gets you nowadays. Thanks for the solidarity. jenny

by John Thielking
I get protesters in front of my store all the time. Just this last Sept 4th there were about 10,000 of them, marching along E Santa Clara St. The more the merrier. Sometimes there is a woman preacher singing at the top of her voice in the park across the street on Sundays. That's Roosevelt Park across from at 888 E Santa Clara St, near 19th st.
by Tucson Granny Dot
Lookin' GOOD, Grannies! Tucson Grans remember fondly our action together in Union Square last summer! You ROCK! Isn't it great to have a world famous rocker like Yoko Ono supporting and endorsing all of us via the New York Gaggle!! We did a little action for Grandparents' Day here, as well, in front of our recruiting center, with a Japanese film crew along. IMAGINE PEACE
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