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Indybay Feature

Demonstration at Motel 6 in Watsonville

by Sentinel (repost)
Housekeeper seeks to return to work
By Donna Jones
Sentinel Staff Writer
A noisy demonstration outside the Motel 6 on Silverleaf Drive Friday afternoon aimed to call attention to what protesters said was the unfair firing of a housekeeper.

Valentina Ayala said she had long complained about verbal abuse and physical threats on the job, but was ignored until she sought the help of California Rural Legal Assistance.

On Aug. 4, two days after CRLA sent a letter to motel management outlining Ayala's complaints, she was fired, her attorney, Luis Alejo, said.

"I want them to give me my job back," said Ayala, Alejo interpreting her Spanish.


Angelica Reza, a former Motel 6 housekeeper, said she was similarly mistreated before being fired a year ago.

"Other workers at the motel want to speak out but are afraid," Reza said.

Alejo, the CRLA attorney who represents Ayala, said that's the larger issue at stake. Workers have a right to complain about maltreatment without threat of termination, he said.

As the Labor Day weekend kicks off, he and other protesters wanted raise awareness of that right, Alejo said.

Alejo said he hopes Motel 6 will respond favorably to requests for Ayala's reinstatement and pay her lost wages without litigation, but he is prepared to take the matter to court.



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