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Indybay Feature

help clean out air

by bianca
The San Joaquin Valley is one of the most polluted regions in America, often beating out Los Angeles as the air basin with the worst air quality. The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Governing Board is in a prime position to clean the Valley’s air, thereby improving the health of the Valley's children, communities and economy.
But the Valley Air District Board needs broader representation and more expertise to develop and implement clean air plans.
The San Joaquin Valley is one of the most polluted regions in America, often beating out Los Angeles as the air basin with the worst air quality. The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Governing Board is in a prime position to clean the Valley’s air, thereby improving the health of the Valley's children, communities and economy.

But the Valley Air District Board needs broader representation and more expertise to develop and implement clean air plans. In addition, the Board lacks continual representation from its three largest metropolitan areas: Fresno, Bakersfield and Stockton. These cities are currently entitled to representation on the Valley Air Board only 5 out of every 15 years. In fact, the City of Fresno has not had a representative on the Board since 1993.

Because of this outdated structure, the Governing Board lacks expertise in public health and air pollution science –- two critical components to understanding the Valley’s air quality issues. Unlike its more effective counterpart, Los Angeles’s South Coast Air Quality Management District, the San Joaquin Valley Air Board has no publicly appointed members with any type of expertise. Due to the Board's unsuccessful clean-up plans, hundreds of small businesses will soon be subjected to costly regulation not required in most areas of the state. This places the already economically distressed region at a disadvantage. Additionally, billions of dollars in federal transportation funds are at risk of being frozen or lost.

SB 999 expands the Valley Air Board membership from 11 to 15 members, to include additional representation from urban areas and members of the public. Key features of the legislation:
The cities of Fresno, Bakersfield and Stockton will each gain a permanent seat on the Valley Air Board. Membership will be more proportional to the population of each jurisdiction. Board members are important purveyors of information, and the three city councils will benefit from ongoing direct representation and communication with the Valley Air Board.
The bill adds two non-elected (public) members to the Board with expertise in medical health and air quality science. The Governor would appoint the two public members, with Senate confirmation. Residency in the district is required.
Allows the eight local county public health officers to review and recommend potential appointee candidates to the Governor.
The San Joaquin Valley's air pollution problems obviously have an impact on those of us living in the Sacramento Valley. Please contact Assembly Members Lois Wolk and Dave Jones TODAY and make sure they understand the broad Sacramento region support for this crucial legislation.

Lois Wolk: (916) 319-2008 or (707) 455-8025

Dave Jones: (916) 319-2009 or (916) 324-4676

Rather, contact the sponsor of SB 999, State Senator Mike Machado at (916) 651-4005 or (916) 323-4306.
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