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Indybay Feature

Concord Hospital Workers Stage Two-Day Strike

by josh sonnenfeld (sugarloaf [at]
On Aug. 28 and Aug. 29, hospital workers at John Muir Medical Center's Concord Campus (formerly Mt. Diablo) went on strike, urging the management to come back to the bargaining table. Without a contract since October, members of the 450-strong union (part of SEIU-United Healthcare Workers' 140,000 members in the Western U.S.), have been struggling to prevent the profit-oriented John Muir management from cutting back their families' healthcare packages. Other issues of concern include the need for safe staffing guidelines, protection from unnecessary layoffs, and a ban on low-bid subcontracting.

While hundreds of workers are reported to have striked over the two-day period, the Concord hospital was said to have hired notorious anti-union rent-a-thug company Modern Industrial Services (whose not-so-discreet website says, "We will keep your unruly union strikers under control."). Workers voiced their strong concern over reports that MIS brought in struggling Katrina victims as scabs against the striking hospital staffers.

Workers note that every other hospital system in Northern California has agreed to the basic contract standards that they have been fighting for, and worry that John Muir Health System has become overly obsessed with profits and excessive executive compensation, as opposed to servicing the community.

In statistics obtained by SEIU-UHW from the Internal Revenue Service, the CEO (J. Kendall Anderson) of the two-hospital system had his salary increased 69% (to $1,012,490/yr. - apprx. $486/hr.) from 2003 to 2004, while the amount of charity care declined significantly - 50% at the Concord campus and 85% in Walnut Creek (2001-2004).

As the 'non-profit' John Muir Health System (JMHS) squeezed out over $96.5 million in profit in 2004 (22% increase), the hospital ratings, uncoincidentally, suffered dramatically. Of 12 categories of a recent health survey, John Muir's Concord campus received a 'Poor' rating in 9 important indicators, including Women's Health and Staffing of the Intensive Care Unit. In Walnut Creek, newborn deaths were reported to be more than twice the expected rate, while vaginal tears during delivery were 30% higher.

Considering JMHS' new health plan would force hundreds of hospital workers and their families to only use the Concord and Walnut Creek facilities for basic treatment, its no wonder that workers are striking. Would you want to have your child at a hospital if her/his possiblity of dying at birth is twice the rate of other facilities? Would you want a plan where your college-aged kids have to fly home from school in order to get routine treatment?

It appears that the Concord hospital workers aren't just striking for themselves and their families, but so that all of us in the community can have better health services. They're fighting for safer staff levels, more accountable hospitals, and the hope that patients will be put over profits.

According to SEIU-UHW, the 'non-profit' John Muir Health System is already under investigation by Contra Costa County for excessive profits and executive compensation as well as unlawful joint partnerships with for-profit corporations. With a 12.5% profit margin (more than the 10% limit) in 2004, the 'non-profit' John Muir Health System may risk losing its property tax exemptions.

This is all in addition to a recent scandal where a leaked memo showed that JMHS management forced physicians to deny patients their right to treatment (specifically colonoscopies) if their life expectancy was less than 5 years. see:

With such a fishy smell coming out of the executive offices of the John Muir Health System, beyond just fighting for their own families, hospital workers have been urging area businesses and unions to reconsider their health plan choices and support their efforts for a healthier community.

For more information, please see:

or, more specifically, on the strike:

or, on the denial of treatment:

or, on Modern Industrial Services (the picket-breakin' thugs):


All photos are free and available for use by members of SEIU-UHW. Please contact sugarloaf [at] for reposting/reprinting of photos.

§"We Deserve a Fair Contract"
by josh sonnenfeld
§"Unfair Labor Practice Strike"
by josh sonnenfeld
by josh sonnenfeld
by josh sonnenfeld
§The Picket Line
by josh sonnenfeld
"Fighting for our families." "Fighting for our communities."
§"United for Quality Healthcare"
by josh sonnenfeld
§"No EPO"
by josh sonnenfeld
§Picket Line
by josh sonnenfeld
"Hey Ken Anderson. You're a big fat cat. Who has a big Cadillac."
by josh sonnenfeld
"Ken says EPO, we say 'Hell No!'"
§"Would John Muir Come Here?"
by josh sonnenfeld
§On the March
by josh sonnenfeld
by josh sonnenfeld
Two instant friends on the picket line. The girl on the left is there with her mom and her aunt. The girl on the right is waiting for her non-striking mom to finish work.
§"We Put Patients First"
by josh sonnenfeld
§Quality Healthcare
by josh sonnenfeld
§SEIU United Healthcare Workers
by josh sonnenfeld
by josh sonnenfeld
Some of the workers said they'd been there since 5:30 in the morning and were waiting 'til 7pm to leave the picket line.
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by Ronda Meyers
Josh has made the most wonderful comments! They are all true. I wish that they could be published in the newspaper, with all of his photos as well!
It is true, we are just fighting for good health care and decent staff to care for the patients. And let me tell you, patients have many needs. They need us! But we need to be able to take care of ourselves and our families before we can continue to take care of them!
Ken Anderson's salary is off the charts! Well over a million/year. And the hospital charity status is down! Imagine that!
What will happen next? If our accrediation is lost, the hospital could be shut down. Or bought out. John Muir is more than pushing the parameters of their accrediation. Read the comments by Josh. Ask any employee! See our strike photos! WE HAVE A DREAM! BETTER HEALTHCARE FOR CONCORD & surrounding areas!
Please support us in this well-worthy cause. Please write Letters/Comments to:
John Muir Health Board of Directors & Ken Anderson, CEO
1400 Treat Blvd.
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Tell them how you feel about our facility, what type of care you expect (and deserve) to receive there. Tell them how you feel about Ken's salary. Tell them anything you have experienced (bad or good) at our facility. But most of all, tell them that the very least you would expect, is a qualified employee who knows what they are doing to care for you.
AND PLEASE, URGE THEM TO SETTLE OUR CONTRACT AND GIVE US DECENT HEALTH INSURANCE--HealthCare workers need insurance for their families too! I hope we can continue to provide your family members with the care that they so deserve. Thank you.
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$130.00 donated
in the past month

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